Bands listed in order of time most spent listening to by roughly estimating, since favorites change with time. I doubt most people would agree with the bands i put in the top 21, let alone the ordering itself but here it is.
Radiohead (First three albums only) – Before they went the non-angstful (ie emotionless, yes that’s my take, compare the albums before and after and you can’t say otherwise) experimental computer crap and left the guitars they were easily the best band. Lyrics, singing, and melody all perfect. You either get them or you don’t, there is no in-between.
Elliott Smith – Beautiful singing voice and great lyrics. Lots of melancholy. Most fav artist currently. Probably the best musician on this list, or I guess I should say was…
Muse – Alternative on crack. Singing is over the top in a good way, quick beats and guitar rifs. Some songs are perfect to play while weaving through traffic. Lyrics are a little weak. Last album was dissapointing.
Eminem – Either this or RATM the best music to play to while angry. Easier to relate to than other rappers since music isn’t about guns, money or women only and enunciates much better with slower beats.
Coldplay – Loved them way before they went disgustingly popular, now I dislike them a lot more for some reason.
Rage against the machine – Very energizing, makes you want to smash things and kill.
The cure – The best “in love†band. So many good songs.
Nine inch nails - Nothing needs to be said here
Our lady peace – Canada’s best band. Alternative with a few quirky elements in it. Last album sucked.
Travis – Coldplay’s and radioheads more popish little brother except more happiness, more pop and quicker hooks.
i can’t help what i like. i don’t think you can judge them totally unless youve listened to all their albums completely. they have some catchy tunes. cant a guy have his guilty pleasures? anyway, what do you mean complicated? i assumed that was in a negative connotation for these bands in relation to my other bands?
Eww… Avril Lavigne.
Eww… Linkin Park.
For that matter, eww 17-20.
But you like RATM and Radiohead, Blink 182 and the Cure, so I don’t know what to say. I’m just glad you didn’t include Miss Murder among your favorite songs.
Overall Top Artists
1 CunninLynguists
2 Heiruspecs
3 Brother Ali
4 The White Stripes
5 Morcheeba
6 Eminem
7 Jedi Mind Tricks
8 General Electrics
9 Beck
10 Nirvana
10 Tonedeff
12 Outkast
13 Gorillaz
14 The Smashing Pumpkins
15 Danger Mouse & Jemini
15 My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult
17 Queens of the Stone Age
18 Marcy Playground
19 Nine Inch Nails
20 Lords of Acid
21 Jurassic 5
i disagree. Since i post up my list on this board, i know what to expect, almost everyone disagreeing with me and calling me things like tool becuase i like bands like AAR and Avril which are considered pop-rock only fit for teenage girls who don’t know any better or other pop or famous bands. the fact is, i like them period. regardless of how they were made, who they were made by, who listens to them, and what elitist culture thinks of them. I enjoy their sounds and lyrics and it would be a lie to say it otherwise, that would make me a tool. I would also be a tool if i found some obscure indie bands to like just almost solely becuase no one else knows them so i could be in the “in” crowd of elitests for liking the non popular bands. and thus the non-conformist becomes the conformist adhering to the system, thus becoming a tool. the fact is you can’t judge whether a person is a tool for doing something unless you know why they are doing it. So, no i don’t like these bands to fit in, i like them bcause i do and don’t care about anything else. and yes i do listen to a ridiculous amount of indie music and basically anything i can get my hands on becuase im a music freak , but this is what my list has come out to.