My Upcoming E-Book: Might and Power

The ideal can certainly be a synthesis of war and peace, why not?

Fear of weakness, well, I’d say that’s a justifiable fear, wouldn’t you?

Hippies were the hyper-feminine result of the masculine tendency towards battle, during the Vietnam war.

In their opposition to the war, they had a literal rebellion towards the masculine warrior ethos, hence their effeminacy.

It’s not a case of fearing social judgment; rather, it’s about philosophical and cultural aesthetics.

You are dominated by fear. I suggest getting rid of fear then seeing what truly inspires you.

I was saving that for Jakob and Zoots, but it fits here as well. The cognitive trail of his reasoning suggests it follows this pattern. Fear only arises from it’s breakdown… when it doesn’t work right, it becomes a paraphilic fixation. It has to be resolved in Se. Its why he won’t grasp the fear aspect, he is awaiting a stimuli he will recognize.

In actual combat… melee, they are overtaken by fear quite easily… the fight or flight response… it’s why gang violence us so flighty, never has the stamina of military combat, despite a emulation of tactics at the visual level.

The thinking process is very different, and very easy to overcome by moderately trained units.

To learn more about this trait, see here:

We all have this trait, it’s the aim of shock and awe operations, it’s based in fixed nerves in the brain, but many people are more dependent in their conscious reasoning on this aspect of the mind. If you get spiritual, it’s Theugy, if aggressive and controlling from increasingly struggling with pain and weakness, it’s power.

Neither exists, both are mental constructs of ignorance to process information in circumstances of ignorance and cognitive impairment, due to reliance on others to inform and conform on a extraverted level, instead of pushing introspectively into the cytoarchitecture built into the frontiers of the mind.

Primal Race is exposing himself as weak, but I don’t know if it’s fearful yet consciously. His subculture however, is saturated with negative response to fear. They feel they can overcome weak victims, have the system figured out so most cops, but it gets harder with dedicated prosecutors, swat and military… so the groups tend to slip into a netherworld of power and hiding, mixing displays of strength with social orthodoxy (so they can’t easily be reasoned to be perverted in their actions), but this gets tedious, so they fall back into theugy (which is pointless nothingness, rituals for self consolation).

How many Mexican thugs enter into the local Mafia, and turn to Santa Muerte once they are in, experience mortality, and fear? They try to combine the two into a deeper philosophy, in worshipping death. This is a theugical comprehension of death. It makes them fanatical in the face of extreme mortality, and gives them a sense of extreme Sexual machoism. ESFJs are very, very accepting of orthodox Sexual roles, a man must be manly, a woman very femine. Its described in the link above.

So… why?

A sense of power comes from Noradrenaline and Dopamine… fear is a crucial aspect of it, as well as Distress and Anguish. You can’t achieve anger without both, and if one neurochemical withdrawals faster than the other, the situation really sucks. If your mind is fixated in a part of the brain deeply dependent on these two monoamine neural transmitters, fluxuations would piss you off. If that part of the mind studied ideas on a extroverted level, looking for conformation, then external displays would matter a lot to them. They want to look bad ass and see kowtowing in others. Its only when this doesn’t work out fear starts. But the very fact they need to do this suggests a dependency upon others, inability to hold themselves together, a lack of self worth. Its weakness incarnate. … umb/6/6e/Lövheim_cube_of_emotion.svg/330px-Lövheim_cube_of_emotion.svg.png

Its why thugs are willing to accept such a low, demeaning level for so long in Mafias and gangs, being a beta male… being actually in charge isn’t what is important, being in a community that allows them a sense of serotonin, is. They are drugs for one another. Anger isn’t possible when Serotonin moves in, when you combine Anger, Nor adrenaline, and Setotonin together, it becomes excitement.

If you read texts like The Hitman’s Diary, you’ll notice the odd phenomena of a experienced torturer can result in Sexual arousal in the torturer. Its combining these aspects together. When a torturer becomes fixed on this high, he needs it. It doesn’t operate on theESFJ circuit anymore, he is internally processing it. When he is not torturing it, he is incomplete. That is who he is, due to the fetish fixation. Its no longer a act of anger as it would in a heterosexual male lashing out against a aggressor.

The ESFJ circuit dictates Sexual identity, but this Mexican cult of Santa Muerte also attracts one other notible group other than power hungry mafia and cartel members, it attracts transvestites. Both struggle with the severe emotions of Sexual projection, but one needs to be like the opposite sex. Yet, this religion of power and facing death combines the two, seemingly opposite phenomena together. Why? They largely share the same circuitry. The transvestites play the role of female, tattooed gang members male in their community. Its more or less the same thought process. Men crave to be seen as, and experience “power”, but you can’t ever quite nail down just what the fuck power is, save some sense of euphoria (serotonin rising). Its seen external to individuals, yet a trait inherit in them, but only achievable through actions and displays of might…

Honestly, what stops a beta make baboon from walking up to a alpha, fighting it harder than a alpha wants to take it? Any Beta male can kill the alpha on the sly, the alpha make can’t afford to waste energy and kill all the betas… they are necesary for parameter defence. Baboons walk this fine line, and coincidentally gave some of the most sexually outrageous Sexual displays of any primate:

Gorillas, on the other hand, are one large make, lots of females. They don’t like other males, even their young, around their women. They will beat the shit out of any approaching threat, first giving a defensive display. They coincidentally, have cocks smaller than humans, baboons rather large for their size. Gorillas don’t care for the Sexual games, they are the real fucking thing. They are not macho, they just are.

Humans sit in the middle.

There is no such thing as power, it’s just a social construct that muddled what is really going on. It turns rather absurd once you begin analyzing it. From a police or military perspective, knowing this psychology is essential in infiltrating and smashing tongs and mafias. Tactics are adjusted to blind spots in the cognitive spectrum, giving them a substantial informational and surprise advantage.

Its why guys like “The Crazy One” who randomly are able to survive due to police incompetency and luck express themselves as such.élix

You find this irrational thinking with Qaddafi too:

Both learned to connect their survival in the face of fear with irrationality. Taoist do too, emulating a crooked tree, but do t go running on the “power highs” gang members do. They think being crazy and reckless keeps them alive in dander, and it eventually backfires like a motherfucker.

In Qaddafi’s case, he took the process in the picture in the top of my list here to stupid extremes, the medieval philosophers of the Maghreb put heavy emphasis on nomadic life being stronger than sedentary city living, new dynasties always came from strong men living in the desert, sweeping over weak city dynasties who likewise were originally nomads. You can read In Khaldun for more insight… be read this, thought "well fuck, Ill just set up a tent wherever I go as a display of my might!

The dunce set up his tent in front of the white house. Outside if the social context he knew, the action looked meaningless, queer, absurd. But it’s how Qaddafi used his information.

The US president uses Airforce One, heavily advertises it so everyone grasps this means it us badass and important. India scoffed at a attempt by the US secret service to shut down it’s airspace when Obama last visited, upset about how big if a ostentatious fuss they we’re making. The Queen of England has a much less impressive Royal Yatch and Royal Train.

Your Mexican thug? He has a tricked out Pinto, rides low or high, with led lights and hydrolics going off.

Its fucking silly and pathetic, look at me bullshit.

Whenever I read your posts Erik, I usually hear one of those two songs by Devotchka playing in my mind. Fits you so well.

What he’s trying to say, erik, is that this is what you are gonna be when you’re fifty unless you either start reading the right philosophy or become unmexican. Any time you get a mexican male who’s reading Nietzsche and Redbeard he automatically becomes a Danny Trejo unless somebody stops him.

The entire lot (with the exception of Zoot) is merely suffering from repression rebound (the mindless and desperate pursuit of the antithesis of repression), seeking to satisfy the deeply seeded need to have some say in what is invisibly happening to them by trying to conquer the entire world. The sad thing is that Zoot is the only one of them qualified to learn and obtain the power they crave. Only they who are not really all that interested are free to have sight of the sword.

I was just fucking with you Erik, you were right all along. I surrender.

There is no struggle for existence. We exist. That’s that.

If power is a euphoria, serotonin rising, then it’s a biochemical construct, not a social one.

Social constructs are things like “Justice” and morality.

You try to reduce power to biochemical activity, in order to disenchant it; but the philosophy of power is about much more than mere feelings
and chemicals.

Trixie, we don’t just “exist”; nature is not a commune, nor some utopia - it’s a contest, a struggle.
This isn’t hard to see, unless one is deluded.

The Mexican Nietzsche:

If you can react behaviorally to social constructs in manners parallel to other people, be it contemporary or historical, then it’s reducible to neurological feedback loops. You then shake the ideological constructs to their actual behavior norms, looking to see how people react to scenerios. Neurology is rather uncomplex, when people feel atuff is getting complicated, its because their ideas are being stretched beyind their processing capacity, its becomming something else. Its why I dont take much stock in culture, few really know what it is, but we have all experienced it. Best insight to any cukture isnt when it works flawlesdly together, but once it falls apart.

I don’t take the mystique out if things, merely push to their roots. Ive noticed Athiests are offtaken and amazed I can do this, when much less broke them of a belief. I dont find trouble in conflict or doubt arising from knoeing the primal roots of things, but rather consolation. I know one thing for certain… the ideas behind the beluef in power, its archaic and absurd, a poir reflection of the multitude of feedback loops involved. Its about as backwards and unscientific as it gets. Doesnt mean there isnt something worth studying in the general direction of the term, but once you start poking around in neurocircuitrt, comparing psychological theories, experiments and studies with the works of historians, sociologists, cultural anthropologists, philosophers, and my favorite, freaky news stories, you start noticing the odd connections. Why raboo elements are just that… taboo in most societies, yet in Mexico oddly in the open. Becomes obvious and unavoidable after a while, but thats part of being human. We all got similar wiring, just specialize in parts more than others. We all have it in us, just hasnt awaken, and to be honest, looking at some of the shit going on in Mexico, we are better off if some shot remains dormant in the unconscious.

The end result is, his movement largely failed. His ideas we’re hardly unique, successes and failures are smeared through the history of the world like jam, but he lost his head for it.

End result… his movement took to terrorism. When Fidel Castro came to Mexico, he trained with them, but rejected their emphasis on bombings. Arabs took up suicide bombings Foucault came out in defense of this, legitimizing it as communications of the weak and oppressed.

It isn’t evidence of strength, but of neurological pressures few individuals full grasp, of historic trends only the well educated in such matters grasp, and the dialectic constantly inverts in self and ends up transmutating in later generations and far away lands in very odd ways. But it’s traceable. If you give a four year old a hand grenade, we can say the child has power, but does it comprehend it? If it survives the experience, it will look at things very differently. Doesn’t make it a philosopher though to have PTSD and nervous ticks, and the stories it’s grandchildren will tell of it’s youthful grenade experience might constitute as family identification and shared culture, but how much will they get out of it, comprehend, when faced with the question “What is power?” inside and beyond that context?

You heard him boys. I’m the only one qualified to learn and obtain the power you crave. so if you want some power talk to me… make me an offer and maybe I will show you the philosophers stone.

Couldn’t agree more.

Justice is a social construct, but morality is the product of millions of years of evolution. Pain is real. Remember that. On a basic level, it is generally immoral to cause oneself excessive Pain.

Existence is not a struggle. We are automatically born. I don’t recall asking to be born. The only struggle is maintaining quality of life.

This is nothing original. Just another narrative on how excessive restriction limits people in some form or another. There are a hundred ways to write about it and we’ve heard it all before.

This is why I won’t write anything but an autobiography… there is nothing new in philosophy. You can only hope to have a life interesting enough to justify writing about it.

Nothing is ever entirely original.

I’m continuing a message that only a few philosophers have brought to light (e.g., Stirner, Machiavelli, Redbeard, Nietzsche).

The originality consists in it being articulated by me.

The book will only be understood and appreciated by the few. It’s not meant for the many, not for the mediocre.

But then the writing is mediocre.

Pass this around to some people who read and write well…

slighest clue
intoxicating grandeur
dicharged his power
the ancients
done this wrong
depths of his being
those who seek to oppress him
designed to police

some are cliches
some end up as mismatches of style
much of it is just floppy

If the ideas are not new and the writing is mediocre, what is the point?

At least some of the people you mention, with the same basic ideas, could really write.

And that is hedonistic narrative. You will never hear these people talking about the reasons behind such restrictions. They will always, and I really mean always, attack the concept of restriction itself, which betrays their hedonism, that their problem is not that they struggle to remain loyal to their ideal, but that they are forced to endure too much pain.

These are ahierarchical people. They impose no hierarchy on their behavior, they give no direction to their actions. They merely react to pleasure and pain.

Restriction is a money making scheme. Tigers are a threat to cities, cities make money.

Men are not allowed to fight, they get arrested so they can pay more fees. There is no honor or fun anymore. Noone will even accept a dojo match, and you have to pay fees just to get into the dojo club in order to fight. That is why I propose dogeball clubs in every city.

Not being able to vent out aggressions…its unnatural, and it lowers the quality of life, it turns good people into mice.

However, Erik begins to sound insane, when he talks about wanting to engulf the world in perpetual warfare and pillaging, like a warlord from a jackie chan or egyptian undead movie.

Magnus, I live the life you espouse to live. I live by ethics and not pleasure / pain. And I stand before everyone with it, you, anyone. If there is ever a judgement day, I’m the person spoken about who doesn’t get judged. Let me put it to you this way, while billions of trials are occurring, I just sit in the waiting room… and if I ever step on the fucking floor, you will wish you had never been born. I kid you not.