My Upcoming E-Book: Might and Power

Well, yeah - that’s the plan, actually. There is actually an entire chapter in my e-book dedicated to the meta-physics of facial tattoos
and the spiritual power of the Taco Bell franchises.

This is a great question. I think everyone here should ruminate on this one.


I’m at a loss of words at the moment, but will promptly respond back to this one, once the profundity of it ceases to have an effect on me.

I think you are gravely overlooking the significance of the swagger, contra. Dropping your pants below your ass, puffing up your chest, having a mean
look on your face, and saying “n-gga, n-gga!” before and after every utterance, is empowering. It’s something I advocate in my ebook as well.

It’s not primitive at all. Very modern, actually.

No idea how it could possibly be construed as primitive, in any shape or form.

Let us all get facial tattoos and look like the joker.

I just found that, meant for the Kylo Ren stuff above. Think it was this thread.

Best of luck with your “The Metaphysical Mysteries of Taco Bell” book.

May the farce be with you :wink:

You don’t remember coming down the birth canal, do you, Trixie? :laughing:

Magnus Anderson

Sometimes the empathetic brute does more good in the moment than the moral person. Some so-called moral people have no empathy. Having the ability to put one’s self in another’s shoes, under another’s skin, and respond in kind, can be more effective. It’s the moral person, based on the individual, who idealizes goodness but takes it no further. We don’t often follow through with our ideals but with what serves US in the moment.

I might take an empathetic brute over a moral person.

A human being cannot “get rid of fear”. All one can do is rise above it at times or plow right through it. To get rid of fear I think is also to get rid of the instinct to survive. How we react to fear is what’s important. Fear tells us when there is a threat.

Even the bravest warrior fights with fear. It might be what keeps him alive.

This is true, Arc.

Even warriors fight with fear. I think the best warriors are the one’s who fight with the most fear; fear causes rage. Rage is empowering.

Mike Tyson, when asked if he feels fear when entering the ring, stated: " The reason I win is because I am the one is more afraid".

Fear, if managed and converted to rage, is of great service.

Depends on if it is good fear or sick fear. Good fear is like the fear you get when you are running around a compound shooting lasers, fun fear. Sick fear, or dread, is what you get when you have to go on a date or take the highschool finals. Dread of combat is called cowardice.

Intense fear, distress, or anguish lead to rage.

Less intense fear = anxiety and doesn’t lead to rage.

Dread and cowardice leads to pathetic rage, girlish tremor.

Correct. What did obi-wan do when he was struck down by Vader’s saber?

That is not important. What is important is what he didnt do, and he did not rage with cowardice and dread, but stood his ground, emanating the power of the schwartz.

A Jedi master is unable to feel rage, because he is not unwise enough to know what it is. For the Jedi master does not move, rather things move around him?

Had a dream Jar Jar Binks was a sith lord and the Emperor kept coming back from the grave using a special device, it was a hexagon with several flourescent purple and teal lights, located inside the fourth death star. It was finally destroyed by the rebels and the emperor and jar jar got serious.

Since darth vader and kylo ren was not a sith, but just an evil jedi it can be said that jar jar binks can be the real sith apprentice of palpatine.

in the dream the emperor said to jar jar - I brought you out of the depths of gungan city!! You were an outcast, and I made you powerful! Do you want to go back to Naboo??? Naboo???