My vacation

Firstly, I have to correct an impression that sangrain has - I did not go on a cocaine binge. Two nights out of seven is not a binge. Where did you get this idea, sandy?

I did manage to drink some wine, but I spent most of my time in Napa Valley - what else was i supoosed to do?

And I smoked some California weed, which tasted a little funny, but certainly did the job.

Lotsa grapes in Napa. Who knew?

It was like driving around a huge, disneyfied, 3D wine list. A little surreal at first, but you get used to it.

San Fran was okay, but I like Boston better. Boston is prettier. Haight-Ashbury is a nice urban shopping district, but evidently nothing more than that, nowadays. Nothing wrong with good urban shopping districts.

Met some hippy-kids - kids who think they are hippies, and who seem to have some vague, garbled New Age ideas about the world. They seem to rely on rumors - stories passed around as to the way the world works. It occurred to me that that is what education really is - a way of finding out how the world works. These kids seem hell-bent on avoiding that sort of understanding. I suppose real hippies never read anything, either. These kids seem to get their info from posters, advertisements, liner notes, song lyrics - just about anywhere. I think they are the children of people who did not want better things for them - they seem to be left alone to find their way.

I suppose many people rely on rumor.

Let’s see.

Had some good meals - Napa is a haven for good restaurants.

Met some nice people. Hung out.

I think I’m more of an East Coast guy.

I’ll see if I can upload a picture of grapevines.

Ah, here we are. Grape vines.

YES!!! FINALLY!! Keep it coming, faust.

The thing is, sandy, mostly what I did was to hang out with a friend. We ate. We drank. We drove drunk. We got high. We snuck into a resort and swam in their hot-spring pool.

It was mostly a crime spree.

Misdemeanors, by and large.

We shopped (my friend is a female).

We slept, but only a little.

I did sleep on a plane for the first time in my life. Which was good, because I hate to fly.

Man I love vacations with weed and alcohol! I just got back from a cruise to Key West and Playa Del Carmen about 3 or 4 days ago.

Oh - I made my first attempts at painting. I suck, but the good news is that I have nowhere to go but up. It was another new experience. Might have a pic of that. My friend was painting her coffee table. We were both stoned enough for her to let me contribute. I’ll look around.

hey faust, thanks for clearing up that friend’s gender. Things could have gotten a tad odd. So, anybody we know, or none of our business? Regarding that cocaine thing; how many hours in those two days were you sniffing the white stuff (I’m not talking about your friend, either)?

No one you know - just the woman I have been in unrequited love with for the past few years.

I dunno. Two all-nighters, more or less. I know I got to bed before the sun came up, but not by much. Eight hours each time? I didn’t ever really know what time it was out there. My friend has about fourteen clocks, but none of them seem to work, or at least to show the correct time. I don’t wear a watch. Besides, the time is always wrong in California, isn’t it?

Here it is.

It’s a chicken.

Or a fire truck.

I forget which.

Oh, her. How’s her daughter?

You know, faust, part of me want’s to render you my hero, yet another part warns me to be very afraid. I don’t fear much, so I’ll leave that there.

Um, nice painting. Going abstract? Love the colors. Very rich. What medium is that? From here it looks like watercolor, but I could be wrong.

Hee, hee, California time is always wrong. I don’t even know why I’m sneakering, um, I mean, snickering at that.

So, what inspired this trip? A movie, or because she lives there?

She doesn’t have a daughter. She is the daughter.

Yes, be afraid.

It’s acrylic, but a bit wet.

The latter.

Um, sandy, why do I have this strange sensation that I know you in RL?

Do other people say this to you?

Perhaps you just have a better memory than I do.

I don’t know why, but yes, other people do insist they know me in RL. Granted, they are standing right in front of me when they say this. I think if you knew me in real life, you’d remember, or try desperately to forget. So, what makes you feel like you know me strangely, um, I mean, strangely know me?

Now, should I just be afraid, or very afraid. I’m new to this, just not sure how these things work.

Did you learn anything new about wine, or am I stretching a little, here?

I guess you just remember more about me than I remember telling.

I learned nothing new about wine, except that I tried some wine that I liked, but don’t remember the name of. Is that learning something?

In truth, you shouldn’t be afraid at all. Not of me.

As for remembering you, I might, except that I wouldn’t know who I was remembering. If I did, I wouldn’t have had to ask the question.

Not that I have a clear recollection of the question that I asked. I might want to read some Socratic Plato right now.

That doesn’t happen very often.

Aside from some of the obvious landmark attractions SF is basically one big urban shopping district. Well that and festivals. Meh… I’ve never really understood why people take the time to visit… don’t get me wrong it’s a fine town… but for your vacation? Well, you apparently enjoyed yourself.

Not like we know each other Faust, but from reading your posts and seeing Jakob’s videos I think I would have enjoyed buying you a drink. ah well.

What doesn’t happen often, reading Socratic Plato, or recollecting?

When someone says, “In truth, you shouldn’t be afraid at all. Not of me.” I wonder if it’s cause for worry? There’s something very trojan horse about it.

By the way, you just wrote some funny stuff right there. I had to pause a little.

So, trip highlight…

Pardicat - before I left, I put up a post asking who lived in SF. Maybe next time.

Sandy - I don’t remember.

Whaddaya think the highlight was? I just told you I’m in (unrequited) love. I don’t give a rat’s ass about California, grapevines, shopping or vacations.

Trip shmip. Just had to see her.

It’s pretty bad, this one.

Oh, I made her laugh. That might have been the highlight.

I’m really making myself sick.

Now was that too hard?

Where do see this going, my sick friend?


Grrrr!! I’ll get you yet…

Your consistency is almost disgusting, if it wasn’t so alluring. Now I see where the hero thing comes in.