Naked Avatar

what would happen, especially here, if my avatar was the image of a naked woman or breast or penis or what have you.

what would my punishment be?

would i recieve the same, if it was “art” (not that i think it should if it does)

Which do you think would raise the fastest response. Penis, vagina breasts ext?

Try and find out!

Most likely you would be asked to take it down, then it would be taken down if you didn’t comply. If you persisted after further warnings, you’d be temporarily banned.

My recommendation is that you don’t bother, as it would at the least appear as a childish ploy for attention. S’up to you, I s’pose.

i was merely wondering.

i wasnt planning on it.

You mean like the huge animated ass you had as an avatar for weeks, SIATD. Was that a “childish ploy for attention” or was it a harmless gag. Or better yet, let me ask the question like this: was it childish until you were told otherwise by administration who threatened to ban you if you didn’t take it down, or until you became a moderator yourself?

When Siatd does stuff it’s cool though. I mean he’s English – it’s always smart :smiley:


The former, obviously. I could hardly deny that I was seeking attention by employing such a distinctive avatar.

I took my avatar down due to public requests from posters, not due to the admin. I’ve never been threatened with the ban, and I’m not and probably never will be a moderator.

So how that is ‘better yet’, I don’t know. You are much more interesting, and much more correct, when you blame everything on capitalism rather than blame everything on the corruption of the ILP admin. Mischaracterising me is only a small part of that big flaw in your recent postings. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m addicted to reading your posts, but it does disappoint me time and again to see your need to resist authority wherever you find it get lost in a slurry of attacks on the ILP moderation and conspiratorial guesswork.

Then why are you green?

Why can’t I be green too, huh?

I wanna be green godammit!

Or wait. Red. Crimson red. Communist red. :sunglasses:


It’s hard for me. Red and green look the same to me. Bastards.

Because I was given a mod’s account when I joined the staff as editor of Symposia and the associated roles. I don’t delete posts, I don’t edit posts. I don’t write disciplinary PMs to posters who are out of line. I’m about as non-mod as it gets.

Join the global warming crowd.

I don’t think that’s possible with the current Phpbb format that this forum runs on. You could just write in red, and use lots of Soviet/Fidelist symbols. You sorta do already.

So when asked by your wife “oh look at the Christmas decorations, honey, aren’t they beautiful” you respond “what the hell are you talking about, I don’t see a godamn thing”?

(okay that was stupid)

Does this count

Ha. Wow. Widen the picture and you might get in trouble.

Can’t tell what it is, so no.