Well, some are more obvious than others, but I always am curious as to the meanings of people’s names, and why they chose them. Explain your avatar as well, unless of course its just a picture of yourself. I spose I will begin
Apothis is a variation of the greek name Apophis (Apep in Egyptian). Apep is a serpent by symbology, however he is the manifestation of darkness and chaos in their pure forms. Apep was, by general consensus, the opposition of Ra, the sungod and upholder of Ma’at. Sometimes he was shown as a Dragon, and thus my theory on Christianity being a remnant of Akhenaten’s (Amenhotep IV) turning Egypt into a monotheistic state (for the first time in any civilization in recorded history) praying to the Sun disk, or Aten. Incidently, the word Amen is an ancient form of Aten (pronounced Ah-men when in that form… erm sorta like another word in the current vernacular.)
My avatar is an image of Set, who unfortuately has no understandable symbology. The animal and head dressing symbols for Set bear no relation to any animal that exists to this day. However, he was not evil as his sonwas , as he was the god of Deserts, Storms, Chaos and Foreign Lands. (Chaos doesnt need mean evil, as is often a misconception) He was the only egyptian god to bear the title ‘His Majesty,’ aside from Amen-Ra (Amun Ra). Set later became demonized by the egyptians, viewing him as the embodyment of the Romans, and other such nations, who were at that time whacking Egypt pretty well. Set was defeated by Horus, and this event was widely celebrated… oddly enough Horus is another aspect of the Amen-Ra ‘cluster’ I suppose you could call it, as another aspect of the Sun… there again later on, Akhenaten stated that the sun WAS god, and the only god, which would have turned Set into Lucifer, and his son is to destroy the world… atleast for comparison’s sake.