We are 63 days from the end of the worst president in U.S history.
So the game we are playing is, who will Bush pardon in the next two months?
There are several nominations of which the most interesting is Dick Chaney and then bush resigns and
is then pardon by Chaney when he becomes president. The odds of this is actually higher than you
think. Other candidates are Jack abramoff, Alberto Gonzales, Donald Rumsfield, Ted Stevens,
Karl Rove.
The theory here is pre-pardon people who could spill the beans on the bush corruption. Pardon in advance is a
new version of the bush doctrine. Recall that Ford pardon Nixon from jan 20, 1969 which was his first
day in office thus making it retroactive and before he could have committed any crimes (that we know of).
I think the odds of chaney being pardon and thus pardoning bush at better than 50%
So not only can a President pardon his “Vice” (what a wonderfully appropriate epithet W chose for his partner-in-crime, by the way), but he can also do so safe in the knowledge that there is some fantastic quirk in the Constitution whereby the aforementioned second-in-command holds the top office just long enough to return the favour?
Its easy with the new pre-pardon plan. You pre-pardon to protect
your reputation and your place in history because by doing so
you keep those people who know where the skeletons are buried
very, very quiet. It also prevents Obama from investigating bush because there
is no point with bush having been pardoned.
Just came across a story that both chaney and Gonzales were indicted in
south Texas over the federal prisoners held in south Texas federal prisons.
Something about quality or length of imprisonment by federal prisoners.
Just the first of many, many indictments coming down the pike over
the bush years.
I believe this is my first time agreeing with Bike Seat. It will be a Kissinger situation where everything is gravy as long as they don’t leave the country.
It’s my understanding that the president may pardon someone for any possible or potential crime, even if they’ve not been indicted, so long as the pardon covers events prior to the pardon. Yeah, it’s crazy, but someone could do just that- pardon the VP, resign, and in turn be pardoned by the new president. The power of presidential pardon is nearly limitless.
Damn the Gods for not making me live in the inner circles, I could have had such fun and then get pardoned, damn I wish my parents had put more thought into our futures… Some people get all the luck.
Btw, I believe I’ve stated in the past (can’t find the post right now) that Bush would have a list of pardons that makes Clinton look like a choirboy- we’ll see shortly.
I think you first need a conviction to get a pardon. Although Bush likes pre-emptive war, I suppose he could be the decider on pre-emptive pardons, as well.
His daddy pardoned a bunch of the Iran Contra figures, but most of the present-day war criminals have yet to be convicted. Heck, they haven’t even left their jobs or finished their criminal activities yet.
I figure Scooter Libby will get pardoned. Probably many of the other Republican cronies either in or fresh out of jail, too, except Abramoff.
Apperently while I wasn’t looking, bush already pardoned 12 people. Nobody political, just
the usual suspects of pot pushers and my dog ate my homework crowd. I am impressed
he did these already. Usually this crowd is the last couple days of an administration pardons.
Although Obama has said he won’t go after bushco and company, that won’t stop all those very
angry people who will go after bushco and group. Not to mention, those overseas who are chomping
at the bit, to get their hands on the likes of chaney, rumsfield, and bush.
I suspect what will happen is around x-mas when people aren’t looking is when bush
will quietly do the real pardons. so look for big time pardons around christmas.
well here we are, a little more than 24 from the inauguration and we still haven’t seen
the pardons of bush. I am very curious to see who he does pardon. I am also
curious to see when he pardons, perhaps even just before the inauguration to avoid notice.
The later it is, the more likely it has people who are dubious choices.
Btw, so far GWB hasn’t issued all that many pardons- Clinton granted a total of 459 pardons but Bush has only issued 189 (and 11 commutations of sentences) according to what I’ve read.
Ding, dong- the witch is dead. I’m surprised to see Bush issued no new pardons. According to Newsweek, he issued less pardons than any President in modern history. Interesting.