“Reasons for exclusion need not be rooted in hatred, nor does nationalism in any way necessitate the view that one’s own culture is more righteous than another. I do not see universal validity in any one culture (the culture of fashions implicitly yearned for by promoters of multiculturalism included). I recognise that people are not the same around the world - there is diversity, and this should be preserved both for its own sake and as a means of avoiding a pervasive anti-culture where the acquisition of money is seen as the good. I think our differences are real, to be celebrated, and should be protected. To say otherwise is to be a sadomasochistic bigot regarding race and culture.”
“Communities should not be forced into sparse residence of suburbia, within which attempting to live as they would like while being absorbed into a new way of life. Multicultural societies do not allow for cultural diversity in the long run, for there must be significant compromise. Our new residents must adhere to the overriding dogma of liberal democracy that let them in, which effectively homogenises societies into tacky individualists following a culture that, unlike the low culture of the past, lacks continuity, ingenuity, and bases status on consumption rather than creation. After a few generations whatever culture is left will be commodified remnants; the ‘richness’ of multicultural societies has a lifespan.”
“…those advocating multiculturalism are merely supporting small-scale, incomplete nationalism… They are fond of ethnic communities being able to preserve their culture, attend their own schools and churches, learn their language and their people’s heritage, hold community events, et cetera. Yet they so vehemently oppose nationalism, which strives for the same goals, but recognises that to accomplish and preserve these communities need their own territory and leaders who represent a particular way of life.”