Nature is amazing (amazing grace and hamburgers)

ok, I was out in nature a while ago, just chillin, and I saw these wild creations all the way out here in Idaho.

Nature is amazing!!!


You’re losing it. Sober up, this is important. Ummm, please tell me those aren’t toys you play with daily, please. You just borrowed them from a nephew or the neighbor kid right?

Nice pic. Plastic imitating life. A great shot.

i play with them daily :smiley:

I just thought I would do something fun one day, and so I went on a hike in the boise foothills and set these up on a rock overlooking boise and took some shoots. it was fun

Swedish and mexican flags… interesting combo…

That’s actually a very interesting still life and a gorgeous view of the mountains behind it, IMO.

Less risky then girls.

Far better then shitting off of a cliff.

yeah, mexico and sweden together at last. No one will separate them again!

this hill is two blocks from my house, it is a great spoot. Here is what more of the hill looks like

I try to hike up this little hill every day and sit on one of the balancing rocks reading the tao, writing or playing guitar. I am blessed to live where I do. It is so beautiful, and I only pay $225 rent a month.

That is a sweet spoot. I’m in a swamp for $900 a month…

what do you mean by swamp?

a litteral swamp of wet grass and water, or like the neighboorhood etc?

Do you mind spilling what town/area you are from?

. . . I’m just curious :unamused:

I guess most of that are water rates? :wink:

Nice pics SSM. I love seeing photos of peoples surroundings. Apart from being beautiful in themselves, it also adds another layer of knowing that person.
