Some people will disagree that becoming pure is necessary, “I like my nasty habits” some of them will think, they will disagree that developing mental & physical purity is an unavoidable process required of humans to fully evolve and find true happiness in their societies, as I say it is, and that anything else is an illusion learned in life from infected minds, well I can prove purity of the mind determines how much peace society will enjoy, that true civilization & purity of the mind are Inseparable, that humans must purify themselves, their bodies & minds, exactly because they are subject to natures laws, and nature demands purification of the human body & mind.
Only an imbecile would disagree
Heres one example, simply observe how human infants behave. They dislike seeing or hearing anything violent, vile or horrid, same with the food they eat, they much prefer all that is sweet and nothing too bitter, {until a certain age of course} in short, young children will naturally reject all that is bitter and difficult, all that is evil (impure) , this is the default state of a human being. Many adults are fortunate to be like this also, and everyone hates a rotten stink, a horrible noise, something foul tasting, you are not very much like a pike, an alligator or a vulture which love rotting flesh are you ? You are a different creature. Yet some people behave as manipulative predators, are cold and indifferent as other beasts and prefer everything rotten & vile. How odd !
Because even though other beasts dont suffer from this natural disposition of theirs, the evolved ape we called man will, humans will, for the hideous thoughts they conjur up, the terrible things they desire, and act upon, this is the power of their mind, a mind produced by another which has turned for billions of years. Verify this for yourself if you disagree, there are millions of people living in regret of past incidents, and who are sorry for what they have done despite their best efforts to forget all about it, fearful of the things they have thought, the event took place years and years ago but its imprint on the mind remains, tormenting them. This occurs in all humans, because morality is an intrinsic part of nature, morality is one of her laws and humans will abide by this law or be crushed by it, mentally and physically. The evidence of this is all around.
Even when there seems little remorse for an evil act, not only will the vast majority of other people be outraged by it, the criminal will do his best to lie and try to hide what he truly is, but because hes ashamed, man is ashamed of his own nakedness, of what he has become whenever he trespasses on the laws, ones which are invisible. If you are any good at reading people you should be able to see how they feel on the inside after doing wrong. And what they feel is not imposed on them by society ! People must realize this, there is more to morality than they assume, or care to engage over through their egotism & stupidity.