Need a little help

Hi, Im currently taking this philosophy class in which we have midterms next week I was wondering if it was possible If anyone could help me with these essays. It would be greatly appreciated since im not too sure about philosophy Thank you!!

  1. In The Apology, Socrates discusses the difference between true wisdom and ignorance. Plato takes up this topic again in The Allegory of the Cave. Discuss the similarities and differences between what Socrates says and does in The Apology and what Plato describes in the Allegory of the Cave regarding wisdom and ignorance.

  2. Explain the argument that Socrates gives in The Crito that it would be wrong for him to escape from prison. Then discuss what objections you could raise to Socrates’ claims that
    a. One should never harm others even if they harm you.
    b. We should obey the State as we would obey a parent
    c. We should obey the State as we would keep a contract.

  3. Two assumptions of the Pre-Socratics were
    a. Reality is a unity.
    b. Perfection is characterized by permanence.
    Explain what each of these assumptions mean and then discuss how each of these assumptions is illustrated in Plato’s metaphysics and in Plato’s psychology.

  4. Both Plato and Hobbes based their political systems on their beliefs about human nature. Discuss their different perspectives on human nature and government. Include in your answer
    a. what Plato believes about human beings and how this influences his ideal
    b. what Hobbes believes about human beings and how this influences his
    description of the Commonwealth
    c. what are the advantages to each account of government and what are the
    disadvantages to each account?