alright, my bro has to go get his wisdom teeth removed for the second time {he’s 18}. As you know, wisdom teeth have to sometimes be removed when the person is under the influence of anesthesia (don’t know if I spelled it right). First, of all, I hate anesthesia because you eat the tiniest thing and you get sick. Second, I have emetophobia or the fear of throwing up or other people throwing up. These fears are restricting my life. Can anybody help me?[/u]
Hi Thoughtprovoker,
I’ve been dealing with phobias for years as part of an anxiety disorder and I’ve made some progress.
The bottom line in all phobias is fear. My take on this is that it is not a particular event that frightens the phobic, but the fear of feeling bad. The life restriction thing is a strategy for avoiding feeling bad, and the noose gradually tightens.
Modern therapies focus on desensitising the sufferer from feeling the fear so intensely. No matter what the trigger is, it’s the same fear. Feeling bad is just feeling bad, in any language.
My father was so phobic he couldn’t take a ride on a train, and I have been in that place myself. BUT - last week I took a flight to Spain with my partner, and enjoyed a good steak in a restaurant and a nice bottle of wine. My father could never have achieved any of this. I’m not boasting (well maybe I am a bit) but I have found that the only way through this stuff is to “feel the fear and do it anyway”. There is no way around it. Yes, I was afraid of a panic attack kicking in, but it didn’t stop me.
A good counsellor could give you some short term therapy in this direction. It certainly won’t do you any harm.
Best of luck
Indeed. Lots of ordinary people see counselors these days.
i have a phobia too, like a paranoia, i can’t sleep sometimes, i get scared, and i don’t know… it’s so weird, like thoughtprovoker said, i am restricting my life because of it…
but anyways, i’m so afraid that someone is going to slit my throat, my stomach goes cold every hour or so, and every 10, or less minutes, i have to put my hand over my throat to make sure it is okay, even though i know it is, i just have to, or else i won’t be comfortable… does anyone know something that can help? please
Well, this usually works for most people but not all, a way to get rid of your fears is to suck it up and overexpose yourself to it by the time you are sick of the really gnarly stuff the occasional things that bug you will seem to be nothing. For instance, if you watch your first scary movie, most likely you will have the daylights scared out of you; but if you watch as many horror movies as possible in a small period of time you will get used to them and if you watch one later it will be as if nothing. I am currently using myself as a lab rat in that sense because i am sociopathic/phobic and am trying to go to as many social situations as possible and have been able to be less paranoid and nervous. Best of luck.
Hi AH,
Yes, yes and yes.
Cheers, Freethinker
hey guess what. my bro got his wisdom teeth removed about a week or two ago and since they were his last 2 wisdom teeth to get removed, he only had to have novacaine on his gums and teeth. so, there was no puking, therefore, no problem.
All phobias are caused by hatred of who or what you fear and hatred of fear itself…so it feeds on itself in a vicious circle
Think about who or what you hate: you will fear who or what you hate and fear the fear so that you also become fearful of being fearful.
Fundamentally, who or what you hate is who or what you hate yourself as.
That self-hatred produced excess fears, or fears in hate which fears in hate are phobias.
U can predict phobias if you can’t even bear to think of a word or a thought.
Please go back and read what you wrote: U hate yourself as anesthesized, as sick and dirty and as stink. Then hating yourself as stink and dirty means you have preprogrammed your brain to throw out all bad smells IN you! So you will find that, when you smell the vomit you hate, you will vomit up and must vomit up what similar smells are in your own guts.
It is just your premise of hating yourslef as whatever words that is flawed.
Solution: Love yourself as all words and the Love will eliminate all the excess hatred and so too all the unnecessary and unnatural fears, and will moderate the normal fears by putting all fears in Love, and will therefore allow you to think all thoughts and have fredom of thought. Then Loving bad smells will allow you to smell em and get rid of them without going overboard and most importantly without getting rid of your self-LOVE.
hope that helps.
love and respect,
you are one step off the solution: All phobias are fears of who or what you hate yourself as, and also hatred of the fears themselves.
We first hate, then the fears we also hate appear, which fears then reproduce more Hate, which starts the cycle again ad infinitum.
Eg: fear of feeling bad is based on Hate of being bad and of being fearful, or on Hate of yourself as bad and as scared.
All the Hate does is exacerbate the fear.
All fear is natural and normal.
Hate for any word, including the words fear and hate, is abnormal and unnatural.
Love of all words and of yourself as all words is the only natural and normal and rational attitude to apply to all words.
love and r,
the problem is that you hate yourself as dead, while loving yourslef only as alive. So? So when you sleep you look like if you are dead, and vice versa. Sleep is the sister of death.
So, your brain as programmed with hate for yourself as dead and with hate for death, by you, keeps u up and you are still afraid of being awake!
People who hate selves as dead should never sleep!smile
People who hate dying will also be scared of living since living includes death and the images of death, one of which is sleep!
Now no one wants to die.
But it is self-defeating to hate yourslef as dead: for to hate yourself as asleep and as dead is to kill your self-love and make it dead and so be dead spiritually and be sleep-walking even while you are alive and awake.
Hating to die or hating yourself as dead,
and not wanting to die
are 2 separate things.
So too loving yourself as dead,
and wanting to die are two separate things!
Solution: Love yourself as both alive and dead, as both awake and as asleep.
U love yourself as dead just as how you love yourslef as alive: by thinking it and by saying it!
Then your self-love is always alive and awake even when you are dead asleep, and then your brain will take over and u will be able to stay awake and to sleep, to live and to die…at your will.
love and r,
i’m scared of bees
The problem is your hatred of yourself or lack of Love for yourself as certain types of human-beeings:
Bee-ing busy, being blue, being bad, being behind, being belated, being bereft, being bereaved, beeing stung, bee-ing bitten, beeing buzzed, beeing beaten, beeing bitter, being boring, being bored, beeing burned, being blind, being black, being broke, being a biologist, being a broker, being blamed, being blasted, being bitchy, being bummed out, being a name that begins with a Bee, being busted, simply beeing lots of B’s.
The goal is to love you as all B’s and as all words.
love and respect,
Sounds like you have panic attacks brought on by paranoid psychosis.
The first thing you have to do is ask yourself: “WHY does someone want to cut my throat?” Is there some knowledge you have that would give someone a reason to want you dead? Have you expirienced a traumatic event in which you saw someone with a slit throat die and the blood flowed down the neck, like in Braveheart?
The more you know, the less you fear.
Go see a psychologist, then see a psychiatrist.
i think i suffer somewhat from that paranoid psychosis. im kinda afraid of getting snipered or getting shot. ive always for some reason have to look back in school halls to see if anyone has a gun or something out and i don’t even kno why i fear this. i have never seen anyone get shot or such. it’s strange. i don’t think it’s as bad as madcaplaughs because i find that it’s NOT restricting my life, but still i want to get rid of this fear. can anyone help me?
Need more info…
Can you define how “getting shot” feels? Are you afraid of the pain? The suddenness of it? You mentioned looking back, are you afraid of it happening before you can do anything about it? (if you get shot in the back, you can literally be dead before you know it)
If you can, describe exactly how getting shot feels. Maybe even tell a story in detail about this fear if it were to happen.