Well, looks like there is a new video released that makes the 9/11 conspiracy theorists sound a bit less crazy. This is footage taken outside the pentagon, showing the pentagon a few seconds before the ________ crashed into it.
The view of whatever hit seems to be obstructed by an overpass or something. I’m not sure what this is supposed to tell us. Far more problematic is the FBI’s refusal to release the videos from other buildings in a better position to see what was going on.
Original youtube file (bit bigger, still no plane visible).
But would the plane be visible from this angle? Probably not, if the man that could barely fly managed to, as we’re told he did, fly a plane several hundred times larger than any vehicle he had previously piloted, a matter of metres above the ground, into the side of the building.
Or if someone/thing else piloted the plane just off the ground. Or if it wasn’t a plane.
Or the video could be a complete fake. That might not be the pentagon. It could be a large section of pentagonal chocolate, next to some toy vehicles. To be honest, this video don’t show shit…