New Discovery

Satyr, I’m tired of defending myself. You won!

Won what?
Just discussing with you, such an absurdity, was an overall loss.

Believing that math works is a belief in absurdity??? And the reward is that it’s comforting? What the x*%& are you talking about Satyr??? #-o

I think all truth is personal - even tho for convenience we “go along” with apparent cause and effect.
For instance: the following is my truth-

"We are nothing more than an experiment by the Creator in the

hypothetical illusion of separation, which, because of

Eternal Oneness, can never actually be.

“But why does our physical existence seem so real?”

Because the Experiment is as perfect as The Creator -
Because The Creator designed our senses to produce that effect.

We are The Creator having a hypothetical Human Experience

and, as such, we are, have always been and always will be.

Knowing this I can, as The Creator, enjoy the hypothetical illusions

of the experiment, and, at the same time, have the comfort

of the foreverness of my being."

I don’t expect anyone else to believe my truth - any argument only reflects the opinions of the responder - and it’s fun to share realities - without judgement.