New Discovery

Who said they were?

the word the phrase “in some ways … not in all”

You are so negatively charged that you can’t see inclusion when it’s in front of your eyes, probably because your left-hemispheric dominance requires mathematical equivalence and can’t stand nuance. I feel sorry for you.

Which hemisphere tosses word salad instead of admitting it’s wrong? That’s the one dominating you right now.

:rofl: or should I be worried for you? :anguished:

You weren’t before?

I …. didn’t know I meant that much to you, Bob.

Sadly you have managed to get hold of a computer. You demonstrate that inventions is the hands of SOME can cause ruin.

Science demonstrated to the world that there was such a thing; provided the solution; and the ozone is now back to normal.
Had it not been for science we’d all be burned to a crisp with no idea why.

There are no such thing as synthetic elements.
They are called “elements” because they are elemental to nature.

You could say the same from the perspective of the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki once upon a time.

I call bullshit.

Back up:

Rightly so. The natural is, among other things. the axiomatic process that regeneration coincides with. even before eyes could see,

Unless proven otherwise, and that has not been done for all the science accumulated, through its long and tumultuous post philosophy phase, say through the last few hundred years of it’s own ‘separate’ evolution.

Now take an onion representing just this one planet earth’s history. The last onion skin so easily peels off to reveal what? Have we forgotten?

And other planets in this universe, and what about others nearby and farther…

Irony: how’s about photosynthesis, at the photoginished races, if you care for that game?

The Internet -via computers- has said to be the ruin of man… and possibly his downfall.


Yea… it was kinda hard to miss a gaping big hole in the ozone layer, and easily fixed by not using chlorofluorocarbons in aerosol propellants and fridge coolants and the like, anymore.

Genius! :clap:t3:

now can science eradicate micro/nano-plastics, PFAS etc., all pollution, cancer-causing mycotoxins and GMOs from the food chain, and any other such man-made anti-nature inventions and by-products, from the face of the planet.

Yep. But people will have to listen to the science and put short term profit aside.
The hole in the ozone layer was actually easy to miss. And Scientists had to work really hard to get the message across in the face of capitalism.
Now we have Trump would does not believe in the science of micro/nano-plastics, PFAS etc., all pollution, cancer-causing mycotoxins.
And clearly you do not apreciate the benefits of GMOs.
If you listen to science and governments keep the research going to counter the worst aspects of capitalist profiteering then we should be good.

But in the meantime blaming science is stupid.

An interesting slight-tangent, to my ‘ozone hole/natural/synthetic’ diatribe… it would seem that the ozone hole was one of the least destructive man-made catastrophes we caused, compared to our current [near-reversible] catastrophes.


My dad cared for a day at the races, but I ‘the Polo’.

…or, the best of both worlds… Jockeys attempt to play polo on ex-racehorses

They will… with the help of subsidies, as they never want to be out of pocket for any environmentally-friendlier changes.


Modifications that raise either FODMAPs or histamines in crop foods, trigger negative reactions in me (and others), so yea… I do not appreciate GMOs


…and not blaming science is even stupider, for it is science that is causing the problems that science then has to fix… for these ‘environmentally-unfriendly inventions are not inventing themselves.

philosophy & science never shoulda got divorced

You certianly to do not appreciate what they are or what they mean.
It’s nothing more than accelerated selective breeding. There are no new substances produced.
There are no GMO negative reactions that are not already part of out food spectrum.
If you are worrried then stop eating vegetables which nature has designed to kill you. You are better off eating modern versions of natural veg and fruits since they contain less of the toxic oxalates, lectins and alkaloids that eveolution has equipped the plants to stop other things eating them.
If you are particularly sensitive try going carnivore and see how that works for your.

I had said… :point_down:t3:

You cya read?


I have! …the odd time I’ve had oranges, shallots, or potatoes, I got sick.

Now Organic potatoes I can have, and lettuce… as long as they’re not from the supermarkets… both, being versatile food crops and the only plant-foods I [am able to] eat.

“Free will” is literally a made-up debate within philosophy, that sadly spilled out into broader culture and ideation when there was no need for it to.

You and everyone else has what is referred to as “free will”, don’t worry about it. Philosophy set this up as a failure from the start, not least through religion but at least the old theological dudes were authentic in their investigations. Philosophers always muddied the waters and cried foul at any personally uncomfortable truth-encounter. Which they continue to do today.

Your will is free, just chill. Ignore the nonsense. Of course the universe is causally deterministic, how could it be anything else? Why would that bother you? Do you somehow suppose that you are something other than what you are? Lol.

Naw, just relax and ignore the nonsense. You’ll live a more rational and happy life.