if you were to choose a new identity who would you like to be?
You mean identity as a persona? Identity as being modeled after someone on the forum here? Someone famous?
originally I met as a persona, but any identity. here, or someone famous, but I meant what attributes would you wish to have as a person you don;t have now and can;t have any more in the future.
Do you include both physical and non-physical attributes, or only personality traits? I ask because I think being a few inches taller might result in a slightly different me character-wise…
Ahh ok, thank you for clarifying.
One thing I do wish daily, is that I should have never spent 10 years of my life working in construction breathing in paint fumes that will possibly cause cancer in me one day, and that, no doubt whatsoever, resulted in the death of a multitude of brain cells.
I am sharp enough still to remember how sharp I was when I was younger, and I am sharp enough to really really miss that now. Alas, I am not sharp enough to insert wisdom for a lack of intelligence. A note to all young philosophers out there… do what you can early on, it doesn’t get much easier later in life.
So to answer your question Lenore, if I could pick any attributes, I would be more intelligent, more wise (I see wisdom as a result of experience, so i suppose I am saying I would have been more active) and I would return to myself the ten years I lost building things for others, while I neglected myself.
A) I would be less socially awkward as far as being shy at first, and as far as not being able to express my positive feelings about other people very well. More self-confident, more out-going. B) I would also be able to effortlessly process what is normally considered large amounts of what is normally considered complicated information (so as to be better able to explore the mysteries of the universe). C) I would also be physically able to time travel, so as to have an infinite amount of time in which to explore the mysteries of the universe, without having to sacrifice the other things in life that I enjoy.
I think if you had B and C, it would take care of A. Not that A is really a problem… you seem like an intelligent person. People like speaking with and interacting with intelligent people, if, for nothing else, the chance that you might affirm one of their ideas.
I know that, in the real world, and in a couple of cases here, people think more highly of my abilities then I do myself. I am starting to reach the point of realization where I say if people value what I say then what I say must have some value to it. If you looked at it like that, I think you will find your self confidence increasing.
Worth a shot anyway.
ye, I meant both physical and non-physical attributes.