New Technology Detects "Thought Crime"

Here’s the article: … index.html

What do you think? Would you feel safer with these measures in place rather than the traditional airport security? Do you think it’ll give a lot of false readings? Is it an invasion of privacy?

I’m fucked.

That will not make me feel safer. Less safe.

Fascinating, if it actually works on a large scale. As Israel does, the best counter-terrorist tactic is to look for the terrorist, not the weapon. In any case, I don’t see it as a violation of individual rights, at least not as they’ve described it.

Reminds of Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger and a few other sci-fi films where the emotional data of other’s was picked up-on and analysed - I have nothing to hide, so bring it on :evilfun:

Apparently benefits claimants in the UK will be given lie-detector tests. Gimmick much?

Administering the patrons truth serum as soon as they walk in the door would probably be more cost effective and have the same effect with fewer errors.

Has anyone here ever thought about killing anyone? I mean, not seriously thought, not even fantasized, but when I see someone grab their kid in public and beat the kid’s ass just for a second I wonder, how satisfying would it be if I could just judo chop that motherfucker in the throat, just for a second because if that second becomes two seconds, I might.

“Would you feel safer with these measures in place rather than the traditional airport security?”

Traditional airport security is little more than a joke. By way of example read the following article: . So changing what is in place now can’t be any worse.

One problem I can see is that while the stress that a ‘normal’ person would feel while carrying a bomb onto a plane may be readily detectable it may not be the case for a religious fanatic. Would a terrorist who believes the bomb is their ticket to eternal bliss read any differently than someone boarding a plane for benign but joyous purposes?

Another problem might be in differentiating between excessively fearful passengers and those who aren’t completely fanatical in their beliefs, just murderous. Their stress levels might be similar.

I agree completely. What about people with social anxiety, or anxiety about flying? If something in Arabic flashed across the screen at an airport terminal, how many people would freak out, thinking it’s related to some kind of impending attack?