I mentioned in my Memes thread that I had been reading “Consciousness Explained” by Daniel Dennet (Back Bay Books, 1991). I implied to De’trop in the “Jealousy of God” thread that I will explain what the determinism thread implies about the materialism debate. It may take me a few months, but I am working on a theory of self as immortal soul/spirit. I will draw on thoughts provoked while reading Dennet, which agree with his thoughts on the Cartesian theatre, and point out and complete his incomplete definition of an immortal soul/spirit on page 430 (though he does not recognize it as such). I will mention the sense of thought (you may recognize what I say from something I wrote a while back), and memes will come into play (including what they imply about values transmission – and I will use that to focus on the supernaturally-given ten commandments, the royal law of love, and the golden rule). I just started typing it up today (1/23/07) – though it has been forming for years, and I’ve scribbled many notes on it over the past year and a half. The resurrected body will also be discussed (so far Jesus is the only example of this), as well as what the Bible has to say about the soul/heart/spirit/mind and how it relates to the body (pre-resurrection). The various theories of a tripartite man will be touched upon (including my take), probably briefly. I may mention Ramachandran’s research regarding mirror cells. I will discuss ‘essence’ and communication theory. I will talk about multiple personality disorder and split-brain patients. There may be more. I’m posting this in case you want to prepare for the discussion. As you can see, it is a large project, so you have time. Maybe it will turn out to be a book, and I will only post a chapter of it – I really don’t know at this point.
Basically, I’m going to show how we are the conceptualizer (actor), not the concepts (tragedy), without implying a Cartesian theatre (ya dig? snappity snappity).
Here is a thought-experiment in the mean time: There are three years between moments A and O. A person, in moment A, says ‘hello’ (mediated by God) to himself-who-is-in-moment-O, and he, in moment O, says ‘hello’ (mediated by God) back to himself-who-is-in-moment-A (both instances of ‘he’ speak using the mind-voice you hear when you say ‘how now brown cow’ without making a noise – if there is a name for that, let me know). Call each instance of ‘hello’ (mediated by God) a ‘thought’. Select one:
A. Two different selves are communicating via time-traveling thoughts mediated by God. When I talk to myself, I am more than one self – sometimes I even give my other self a different name (or a bad English accent) so it can talk back (Good goin’ Pat! Why, thank you, Govna!).
B. He is talking to himself via time-traveling thoughts mediated by God, just like I talk to myself (Nice move, Sam!) but I am only one self. Even if I give myself a second name, when I speak using that second name, it is still me who is speaking 'I am one self with two different names–just like thespians (say it, don’t spray it, Sam!).
C. Both (explain).
D. Neither (explain).
E. Does that mean you should love (do to) yourself as (you would have you/others do to) yourself? (Like, not beat yourself up, for example?)
Feel free to discuss! Be back in a few months, Lord-willing.