what are the new trends in philosophy?
like…after post-modernism 4 example…
Me, I’m trendy.
sensible shoes
It is, of course, an album by Erica Badiou
or maybe Erykah-Badu even
But there’s also Alain Badiou’s mathamatics as ontology - I’m not sure I agree with any of it but he’s certainly trying something new!
If you’re brave and not afraid of set theory and have 30 euro in the pocket - “being and Event” isn’t bad - I’ve got to chapter 3 and I still appear to be alive (or maybe I’m just unpresentable…)
erikah badu or however it’s spelled RULES!!
baby don’t worry 'bout where- i’ve been or who i saw or- what club i’ve been 2 with my hommies, baby don’t worry u know that u got meeee
math as ontology? isn’t that pretty?
Hmmm this should probably be in the idle chatter section but have you ever checked the last track of Outkast’s “The Love Below” - seems to imply that herself and Andre 3000 were some sort of item (and maybe even had a kid!)- he sounds fierce bitter about it too - making some nasty references to the “tea towels on the head”! )
She had a couple of OKish bits I suppose
Meantime visualising Badiou’s stuff would just involve a lot of circles called sets!
A lot of it is about trying to “visualize” mathematically multiplicities that can’t be presented in thought (words or pictures!) - in so far as I can get it!
I think (and hope I’m correct) that one trend is the move to make philosophy more accessible, more applied, and more pragmatically functional for a wider spectrum of people once again.
This is taking place by the likes of the American Philosophical Association, which seeks to have Philosophical Practitioners provide Philosophical Counseling to people. This counseling is designed to encourage and inspire people to pursue philosophy, not as an academic subject, but as a life practice. In a time when secularization is on the rise in the Western world, the return of philosophy from academia to life-practice will be essential.
Another example is a wave of pop-philosophy books designed to show people how the various things in thier common lives, including pop culture, touch on important philosophical questions.
Unfortunately, those who don’t think of philosophy as merely a scholarly pursuit tend to think of it as the equivalent of namedropping to impress, or sharing meaningless ‘mind boggling brain teasers’ around a camp fire over a joint. Philosophy is neither - it is meant to be pragmatic and functional: a way of thinking, acting, and living in order to achieve ‘the good life’. As the obfuscating shadow of superstitious religion moves away, hopefully more people may come to see that.
Mind or consciousness seems to have picked up more attention lately. It isn’t so much a ‘trend’ as a topic that has generate more interest in recent decades. Then again, maybe not.
You’ve hit the nail on the head there. This is the response I get from 99% of friends. I know we have discussed it in other threads but when you said ‘namedropping’, it made me think of the vocabulary particular to philosophy. Necessary words and tools for philosophical conversation and communication.
When I start talking with some of my regular Joe-Shmoe friends about an idea I had or a philosophical topic I was thinking about , they can’t even connect with me because to them it seems that I am using ‘big words’ and just trying to sound smart. They can’t even enter into conversation because they don’t know the vocab I’m using. And I’m not trying to sound smart, I’m simply trying to talk about philosophical topics! It’s very frustrating.
dude i visualize those things…
i thought they where like cantor’s ‘infinite numbers’ are they something like that?
like they are not numbers but they are sets of non-numbers non-words, but …some shizzle right?
wait…shizzle means sure… but…i said it instead of saying S###
heavenly I m not sure I’ve about 500 pages left - if there’s any good visuals I’ll take a tab and report back!
Yeah here I think Zizek - I mean he’s not a great philospher but he’s fantastic as a sort of intelectual tourist ghe’s got me into Hegel, Badiou, Walter Benjiman, even a bit of Lacan and Deleuze - he makes it fun
I do not know.
I think we still have not finished with the studies that were brought up millennia ago in philosophical circles.
Really have not scratched the surface it seems.
…My discussion of this topic:
Big Swifty associate!
Trend Monger!
Guards, seize her at once!
I think this is an intriguing way to set the question.
Among other things, I suggest for instance the work on social subjects: in my opinion Rawls was an important point of reference.
I think Wittgenstein and Popper, in their fields, were too, but the legacy must be enlarged.
At last I suggest Putnam’s work deserves great consideration.
Nice one Oni Omega-
OK Philosophy from now on me promises!
Mind you what could be more philosophical than the impermanent nature of lurve - though Plato was up his arse anything permenant never is anything but boring - growth, death and change - hard but inevitable…
I posted this as a reply to a thread on natural selection, but it seems strangely appropriate here also:
Trevor and Carol
My point being that the new trends indicate a dumbing-down.
news.nationalgeographic.com/news … ution.html
USA right between Turkey and Latvia:
news.nationalgeographic.com/news … 29204.html
Post-modernism is still, as far as I am aware, the latest Named branch within philosophy proper.
Outside of that, every common reflection might be considered a trend in philosophy, and good shoes goes a long way in explaining current thought.
Due perhaps to advances in Neurology and Animal Cognition, there has be regurgitatation on various topics related to Consciousness, but although other fields are advancing, philosophy seems mostly to have been commenting on these advances, rather than developing itself.
New trends in philosophy, in general, are connected with the culture, mass media, politics, etc.
I think globalization, is really changing “philosophy” in general.
But, do people know what globalization really is?
Lol, it’s like handi-capping, disonant, beurocratic thought, lol.
the best zappa in around