New York City writers...

I think I became the creative writing moderator about two years ago…perhaps one and a half. so, i’m going to try to do something with this ginormous power:

New York City writers…if you are in ILP…do you want to get together, read, critique, etc. Notch it up a bit? Taking our writing careers a little closer to seriously?

shot in the dark…


i’m a saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad pandaa

Alex there’s a slim chance I’ll be coming down NY in the coming months. If it happens I’ll call ya up.

Well, you already know I’m in. I’ll ask a few people I know (by a few, I mean 1-2) but I make no guarantees. And I think we should all start with a piece about Coney Island, :stuck_out_tongue:

Unless… you want to write about Amanda the Sad Panda. It’s got a nice ring to it - love that assonance. And nope, sorry, [-X not a get-out-of-jail-card.

oh yeah. good point.