Nietzsche and Christianity meet Hegel

“Definition of Protestantism: the partial paralysis of Christianity—and of reason…”
[AC 10.]

Nietzsche encourages the complete paralysis of Christianity, whereas Christianity encourages the complete paralysis of reason.

Jakob rolls five on six sided dye…

Penalty to morale, failed save throw…

Nine hit points lost…

Finally you provide an argument. I am happy to admit defeat.
If I understand you correctly, Nietzsche means that one should be more severe to a liberal protestant (like Spinoza) than towards catholics, because he is more aware of the fact that he is lying when he calls nature God.
If this is what he means, I have misunderstood him, and in that case I think he is wrong. You have proven to me I am not a Nietzschean.
Here’s how I see it:
The man of knowlegde understands that God, if he exists, can not be different from nature, and understands that faith is not unnatural, because increasing knowledge is increasing trust in the natural course of existence and increasing delight therein. The catholic thinks God is supernatural, and that he, being natural, is ungodly. Pretending to have faith in something he does not trust at all because he sees the world around him as directly opposed a doctrine of virgins giving birth and people ressurrecting from death, he is a hypocrit. The catholic is more of a hypocrit than the protestant, the protestant more than the liberal protestant. Hence all the idolatry of images in catholicism - Powerful means are needed to convince oneself of truths one instinctively knows to be lies. The protestant has no need for images, because he is less of a hypocrit.

Calling nature God is completely anti-Christian - and anti-Judaist, for that matter. Judeo-Christianity calls anti-nature God (the “beyond”, the nothing). I would never call Spinoza a Protestant.

I agree with everything you say here, save for the last sentence. The Catholic is less of a hypocrit etc., because he is less knowledgable about nature - less scientific. It is less hypocritic to unwittingly proclaim falsehoods than to do so wittingly. Hypocricy is feigned ignorance, not actual ignorance. The Catholic is more naive, more innocent; Adam before the Fall is the perfect Christian, because he has no knowledge of nature.

You have a point. Where I differ wih you is that I do believe in ‘God’ - or rather, don’t believe in nihilistic science.
I am a Blakean rather than a Nietzschean. But just call me a Milikowskian. I believe in Genius as the origin of everything. Genius is by definition inexplicabe, untraceable to reason, to logic. Reason, logic and science are all products of genius.

Genius stands between necessity and power - ah, between will and power! Does it not?
But I venture that Genius is even more fundamental than will.

You sound more Freudian or Jungian as a result.

If will is the Id then is genius the Ego or the Super Ego? Sounds like the latter, but I don’t get this “necessity”…

Well then do you consider the influence of democracy in the form of Christianity destructive to Pax Romana? Is that a “decent”?

You mean that Caeser crippled the Republic and adopted the rise of Christian power?

A Christian Empire is doomed to failure. Nietzsche would no doubt agree…

Jesus is very political and is inherently about the will to power as well, its just that his is based upon equality and not individualism.

Will is Id? I think you made an unwarranted assumption somewhere.

First you would have to ‘get’ the will to power. That would first mean not to equate it with a completely different concept and then call me a follower of the father of that concept.

Pardon? What is this tendency to utter latin words completely out of context?

Of course not you son of silly person, Jesus was Caesar.

I’m sure you will agree with me that you are wrong.

Perhaps the word “if” is confusing for you.

I asked you to explain your meaning of necessity, I guess you cannot.

So you don’t think Pax Romana has anything to do with the Caesars?


I can see that all you can offer is sarcasm and empty claims at this point. I guess the dicussion is over.


Nietzsche was a man troubled with a too big brain for his heart. His heart was pure and nice, and his brain was savage monster of energy. His heart was forced to eat all the brain caught for it. Rabbits, Dogs, Camels, Elephants, his sister, his mother, his God, his creation and ultimately even his sanity. Oh my god nietzschnietzschnietzsche. You are so cool.

Jesus Christ was probably Julius Caesar:


Nietzsche was thinking too much. People can stop growing if thinking too much at an early age (21-). His height 171 cm. Reason why he was thinking too much was not that he was beaten (if one is hit in the head he starts thinking a lot) but being “polish among Germans”.

When people still read.

Much of what led up to self-valuing logic can be learned in there. It’s the best body of philosophy of the 20th century Id say.

Rough and bloody waters.