Nietzsche Nietzsche Nietzsche

Nietzsche is the greatest philosopher ever to have lived and is greater than any philosopher who will ever live in the future. Nietzsche is smarter than everyone on earth combined, he knows everything and there is no knowledge that is worth knowing which he did not write or speak about. Nietzsche can make 2+2=5, he can make a triangle have 10 million sides. He alone understood truth and my unworthy attempts at thinking are only somewhat good because I think about the endless wisdom that Nietzsche gave us.

I wish Nietzsche were alive today so he could be crowned King of all Humanity Forever. I wish I could have Nietzsche’s babies. I wish Nietzsche was here with me right now. I wish I was Nietzsche. I wish I could invent a time machine, go back and get Nietzsche and then take him with me into the future where they can use technology to keep people alive forever, give that technology to Nietzsche and then return him to the past, so he can rewrite our world history and make it a perfect utopia of truth and a paradise of philosophical workers who will rule all of the lesser people and their puny sciences.

Nietzsche killed God and then became God because he is Nietzsche. Fuck. Nietzsche is just fucking amazing. Anyone who doesnt agree is a moron idiot loser who doesnt smoke as much hash as I do and is thus unable to perceive the infinite cloud of endless and eternal wisdom that is Nietzsche. Nietzsche is greater than you because he is you, he knew you already before you were even born. Nietzsche derived the meaning and end of the earth and of all humanity by his sheer thinking ability alone. If not for Nietzsche the world would not exist, there would be nothing. Nietzsche formed the earth and made humans from the power of his mind alone.

Nietzsche is everything, and anything worth reading is only because it is talking about Nietzsche. If you disagree you are an ignorant incompetent lazy science minded herd animal. Go cling to your microscopes and hospitals loser. Nietzsche doesnt need that shit, Nietzsche is everywhere and can never be disproven because Nietzsche is proof itself. All it takes to validate any argument is to invoke the high holy name of Nietzsche. And to quote his scriptures is tantamount to divine inspiration and shows how enlightened and wise one is, to be worthy of brushing the hem of his trousers with our lips. Any philosophy which does not quote Nietzsche every other sentence is worthless dog saliva. Nietzsche is the only fucking thing that matters and I am only worthy as a human being because I am a Nietzschean and a member of the Nietzschean Philosophical Workers party. I am its leader, second only to Nietzsche, and thus I am like a demi-God, a God even, only Nietzsche is the true Nietzsche-God over me.

I am Nietzschean but not Nietzsche because only Nietzsche is Nietzsche and does not need to be Nietzschean to be Nietzschean. I live by his grace and favor and he graces me with the mission of taking his teachings unto the ends of the earth. Of course Nietzsche is already there as he is everywhere and knows everything. But that makes sense because every contradiction and logical paradox can be resolved in Nietzsche.

There is nothing I cannot do with the Will to Power of Nietzsche at my side. If I spend my life devoted to Nietzsche then I get to go to heaven when I die and be with Nietzsche in the Eternal Return of the Ubermensch. All unbelievers and blasphemers of Nietzsche will perish in the fires of heresey forever and ever. Amen.

Wow, Last Man - can you put that on a T-shirt?

I couldn’t agree more lastman. I don’t see why people even pay attention to anything in philosophy other than him. Actually, it makes sense, he’s the only real philosopher, everyone else either just copies him, or they’re not even doing philosophy.

I hate life so much and it pains me to think that Nietzsche said life is good, so I bitch about Nietzsche every chance I get and say he was a hypocrite.

Iconoclast, you’re finally coming around. I knew you’d see the light.

resentiment is off the scales in this thread

How so? Please elaborate.

I am so fucking incompetent and self-absorbed that I think an ironic rant about certain idiots who religiously idolize a philosopher is actually a serious rant about that philosopher.

I wonder what the Universe would look like if there were only one beautiful star out there to shine its light on us, to inspire us, to be a beacon to us?

There was a time when I had my favorite poem, my favorite song, my favorite painting, book, writer, constellation :laughing: …I wonder what we might be losing out of when we are unable to see that just about everything and everyone in the universe, in some way, is capable of adding to our enlightenment, our sense of awe, our intelligence, our awareness also. In the end, and underneath it all, it is all the same. No, we were not really created equal, but where we come from, we are all the same.

Perhaps, if there is a god, there is not One - but totally brilliant beyond belief scatterings of divine energy dust that permeate all of existence, both material and non-material, and at some point these divine scatterings of energy will listen/intuit and hear a call and will remember their real home and will gather together from everywhere in the universe and then there will be the most beautiful, brilliant and colorful rushing forth of energy - into What? This one magnificent Black Hole. Beautiful!! :laughing:


C’mon now, just snap out of it - do you hear me? :laughing:

Haha, that image of Thor is great :smiley:

That’s Nietzsche, alright!

I also forgot to mention that Nietzsche always puts his best insights exactly in the middle of his books. He measures the middle and then carefully inserts the true wisdom there. But of course any real Nietzschean would already know that.

Your rant is good, but I think it should bite the Nietzsche haters a well, they are just as worse as the Nietzsche idolaters.

Yes quite true. In their own way they are worse, or at least more idiotic… but probably not more entertaining…

Yes, I loved that image and thought that it was quite appropo. And I had no idea that Nietzsche :imp: seemingly put all his true wisdom in the midde of the book unless you’re kidding. I can be quite gullible at times. :blush: :laughing: I think his psychological insights can be astounding - they sometimes blow me away as do his metaphors (as I think I’ve said and I think his PIs are all over the place but I will have to check out the wisdom part, insofar as being in the middle of the book.

I am not personally a true Nietzchean - though I certainly, certainly do admire him - es verdad - I admire many. I am more a find it where it is and pickitsean. :laughing:

You mean the golden section, of course.

Sauwelios Sauwelios Sauwelios.
Sauwelios is the most evillest of evil stupid persons and erggh I am so I aahh I hate ah I cant stand AnY thinggrrr that hrr hass to DOOO with SnAUWUEOLIOAS agh.

Yes, and in all of his books, and even in his notes. Check out even his letters, if you count the number of words and find the exact center one, then put them together in chronological order of the astrological calendar, that is where he hides his true insights.

Im sorry to hear that, I thought you two used to be friends.

No no no LM you need to educate yourself. The Middle does not exist. There is only proportion.

haha clever. But its true right? the entire OP was not about Nietzsche or Nietzscheans but about Sauwelios.

The middle is a proportion.

Partly, but there are others I included in it, and it addresses the type, the religious type, not any specific individual alone.

And I included you in the OP as well - can you find where?

No, I cannot find myself in your words. Neither can I find Sauwelios for that matter - I just know it is about him because you refer to things we’ve discussed. I just see you, your attitude.

In nature, there is only one proportion.

I take that (the proportion bit) back, you might take it seriously.