Nietzsche Rigor and Attempt at Cross-Paradigmatic Aesthetics

To his credit, Nietzsche was attempting to “start over”, a notion with which I cannot entirely disagree. But then, if such is to occur, it very seriously needs to be (for everyone’s sake) by those who have a clue as to what they are talking about. Unfortunately for everyone involved, such a person was never heard from during that time … nor since.

… until now when no one can listen.

All rightie then!

Translation from Josefine Nauckhoff, section 366 of Fröhliche Wissenschaft:

Dass euer einziger Wille ist, Meister eures Handwerks zu werden, in Ehrfurcht vor jeder Art Meisterschaft und Tüchtigkeit und mit rücksichtslosester Ablehnung alles Scheinbaren, Halbächten, Aufgeputzten, Virtuosenhaften, Demagogischen, Schauspielerischen in litteris et artibus—alles Dessen, was in Hinsicht auf unbedingte Probität von Zucht und Vorschulung sich nicht vor euch ausweisen kann!

And because your only desire ( Wille) is to become masters of your craft, with reverence for every type of mastery and competence and with ruthless rejection of anything specious, semi-genuine, meretricious, virtuoso-like, demagogical, or histrionic in litteris et artibus – of anything that cannot give you proof of its unconditional probity in discipline and prior training.