Contrast between life of Hitler ('s reign) and Nietzsche’s proposed Overmen.
Any similarities?
[Just finished Zarathustra, and have known of Nietzschean/German influence, thought occured of direct influence between Hitler and The Overman]
Contrast between life of Hitler ('s reign) and Nietzsche’s proposed Overmen.
Any similarities?
[Just finished Zarathustra, and have known of Nietzschean/German influence, thought occured of direct influence between Hitler and The Overman]
The idea is that you, the reader, live your life as a bridge towards the superman.
In my opinion a more accurate consequence of Nietzsche’s philosophy would have been Italian facism. Nietzsche would have had nothing to do with Nationals, nor with socialists.
Nietzsche has nothing but contempt for nazi’s,and Hitler. They are the emodiment of that which he loathed,unchecked barbarism,anit-semitism,racism,nationalism,Germany.While Mussolini was an admirer of N,I doubt the admiration,will be reciprocal.