Most people say…
" Hey Joker you claim to be a nihilist but you have this grudge against humanity shouting and yelling from the rooftops about the corruption in motion while claiming a relative position, how exactly is this possible without being in a contradiction? "
I won’t lie folks I despise most of humanity’s corruption and betrayal of the natural order of things but at the same time most people misinterpret me by applying dualistic propositions to my form of thinking calling me a untrue nihilist.
It is not that I codemn the corrupt judge taking advantage of innocent people that I loathe due to the fact that like the lion who is taking advantage of the wilderbeasts on the African plains the judge is only acting in accordance of his own predatory instincts.
Nay it is not that I despise but what I really despise is that the oppressed have been stripped all out of any defence,rebellion or fight in them that is a natural right born from that of creation and nature in that they are literally at the mercy of moral idealisms thrown upon them being outside sources of their own individual instincts. Morality and law literally destroys any fight or conflict that evolution thrives on.
The judge does not succeed on his predatory prowless alone but instead claims victory on the account of unsubstantiated moralistic ideals that lays waste to the victim’s chance of natural defence. If upper officials didn’t have any morality there is the strong possibility of the victims claiming victory from any given conflict on their physical strength alone to survive by chance and in such a given scenario had that been the case of our world I imagine things would of evolved much differently than our present conditions.
What I am saying is that I know all forms of corruption in the human world are relative manifestations but I believe that by eliminating the natural right of rebellion,fight, and defence in individuals by moralistic strangleholds I believe human evolution is in a constant dis-service.
( In that lays my hate and my despise for the current situation of the human race. We have destroyed the primal urge of fighting in survival to become slaves of a twisted moral ideal and at the mercy of slaves who worship it.)
( I believe morality needs to be challenged everyday and torn away at in order for individuals of humanity as a whole to evolve.)
I am under the impression that if beggars,victims,the homeless and oppressed were allowed to fight back against their oppressors having the chance to become warriors,revolutionaries, or legends we would be able to cure most of the problems of inequality that we face daily. We would also have such people in the background afterwards to lead humanity in a new hallmark and era of human history altogether.
Moral propositions I believe are the backbone of all current forms of human suffering and at the end of the day the lion atleast has the dignity of letting the wilderbeast defend itself before it goes in for the kill.
Morality shall forever be a plague amongst mankind as long that it remains amongst us and it shall continue to be contrary to natural selection in all ways.