
Hypermasculinity is an overcompensation for emasculation.
When masculine energy declines even women attempt to fill in the void.

The mark of hypermasculine compensation is how absurd it is…hyperbolic to a degree of caricaturing masculinity, because the performers have no experience with real masculinity.
They can only associate it with what they know, from pop-culture - Hollywood.
It is why women make the worse bosses.

Basic difference between ethno-sicialims and Marxism.
The identifier uniting a group into a cohesive cooperative unit is blood, for the entho-socialist, and an idea for the nihilist socialist.

Reflected in a worlf-pack by the beta females/males cooperating with those sharing the same genes, to raise the alpha reproductive duos brood.
higher brains are impossible outside social groups. Solitary species never advance beyond a certain limit, du to the absence of cooperation and specialization.
Genius requires groups to emerge within and to offer it the leisure time to express its excess brain power via art, or innovation, or any kind of creativity
Art being a byproduct of excess libidinal energies.

Aristocratic ethos means to appreciate and help what is perceived to be higher.
These so called “anarchists” live in some fantasy world where they are alone, yet always dependent on a group.
They are the byproduct of herds, allowing the isolated moron to believe that he is not of the herd, yet to live among the herd, and to depend no the herd for everything, including its beliefs.
The irony here is these types usually believe they are unique and special, when their beliefs are conventional and only differ from the average herd member in quantity of details - knowledge - they can regurgitate.
They usually emerge as protectors of the herd, even while being convinced that they are independent form it.

All social species rely on social rules and regulations - they adhere to group dynamics if they wish to benefit from the group’s sheltering.
The issue is degree…how much the group affects the individual; how large the group is; and what is the defining identifier of this group.
No human can ever live outside the gropu…in Hellas, a man ostracized by his city and expelled, was a man with no identity.
Spartans referred to their social in-group as the homoioi…where the leader was simply one among many of the same…same what?
Same genetics; same training, paideia - memetics…

Americanised imbeciles live in the delusion of the American individual - the self-made, self-suffic9ient man of their mythology.
Divide and conquer…this is also a method they’ve used to keep Americans under control.
Usually adopted by men-0children with no culture, no father figure, no sense of self - other than the one they find in pop-culture; no traditions, no family, no heritage; no connection to the earth.
Modern American negroes being an example.
In essence the free-radical that must deceive itself that he is not of the herd, but cannot live too far away from it.
Parasites…they live “outside” her rules, but not outside its all-necopassing shelter.
Criminals fall into this category.
Feeling no connection to the herd, they pretend to be other than it…but they cannot live too far away from it.

The connection between the self-mutilated ones - and their distinct communist/communal spirit - and American Negroes, and whites that have lost their identity, is obvious.
The self-mutilated ones use their communal independence form the herd/host they parasitize, to exploit the ones that have truly become detached from all biological identifiers - their favourite proxies.

Nagel is trash.

Get real friends, geez.

These responses make me want to start my usual method on ILP.
Then they can accuse me of instigating.

These are the turds of ILP.
And when i’m gone the shithole will return to its usually methane explosions.
Every thread reduced to a circus full of clowns.

No u

how did the ancent-Greeks describe death?
As forgetfulness.
Crossing the River Styx, one of its tributaries being Lethe…
From this …aletheia, Greek for truth.
Un-forgetting. Re-collect. Re-memeber.

A description of the disintegration of the the neural matrices we call memory.
DNA, being the primary form of organic memory.
With the evolution of nervous systems and a brain, we get a secondary form of memory - experiential, learned - of this two types: first & second hand.
Higher organisms can learn empathically - through the actions, of others.
Philosophy is store of such second-hand experiences, reduced to semiotics, the secondary form of externalizing memories.
Memories guide organic actions, and, in time, organic judgments, degerming choices.

Two competing sources of memory: genetic/memetic.

From this nihilism emerges to fabricate a linguistic protective wall.

Computers are a product of man’s understanding of his brain.
The brain is more because it is malleable to input…The entire body being a sense organ.

The encasing of the brain in a skull is another aspect of its defensiveness.
For the brain all is excess, because the body deals with need.
The brain crates its own universe, representing the cosmos…but if sheltered and provided for, over time, it begins to enclose itself within itself.

Thomas Nagel
The Absurd

In other words, “for all practical purposes”, whatever that means. You know, without an actual context.

In other words, most of us are awash in social obligations and responsibilities given our interactions with others. In order to, among other things, pay the bills. We can’t just be spectators if we choose to interact with them in a community. They see to that. So, while we can contemplate the “absurd” here philosophically, once we are around others, “real life” takes over.

In other words, whatever that means. But here’s the thing: philosophically and otherwise, it does mean something to most of us. Being “infinitesimally insignificant specks of existence in the vastness of all there is” few of us are not grappling to find something – anything – to subsume “the fact that all of mankind will eventually vanish without a trace” in. God for the vast majority of course but there are many other “isms” we can embody to vanquish the absurd.

Take for example our very own fulminating fanatic objectivists fiercely defending their own didactic dogmas. Here, tweedledee and tweedledum. But so, so, so many others.

Then back to what on earth this means:

Not actually countless, of course. There were 7.837 billion of us in 2021.

Is not money the ultimate nihilistic code of detachment when it has been disconnected from the gold standard?

Money replaces Abraham’s one-god; replaces Jesus as the earthly saviour.
Money saves man from his physical inheritance.

Money is a form of human intercourse - exchange…a language.
An abstraction of goods and services, only it has been abstracted by disconnecting it from a resource - gold - as its foundation.
It has been made, like many other symbols/words, pure idea.
Through this messiah Americanised man can purchase an identity. he does not need god, or an ethnicity…he has the power of money, and its systemic backing.

If you remain true to the system, you are rewarded.

Every perspective we have is broader than we can “occupy in the flesh”. This statement means nothing, just like most of Nagel’s ramblings.

No one is ever a “pure spectator” of their own life. That means literally nothing.

Maybe for Nagel, since clearly his own life is little more than an alien curiosity to himself.

First time he made something approaching an actual point.

Back to the inane babbling again.

Linguistically detach mind from reality, converting all concepts into ideologies with no referents outside texts, or minds that can memorize and repeat texts.

Spread distrust in the senses…so that what appears so is not so, because it is now an idea that must refer to words, not deeds, not appearances, but ideas.

Define terms out of existence - existing only as vague, obscure, sometimes undefinable abstractions, i.e., mystified, romanticized…so that terms like god, morality, value, race, gender, sex, free, will, are no longer connectors to observable phenomena, or existing states, but refer to nothing but symbols and more words…or feelings…or artifices, icons/idols.
Do that and you can manufacture malleable, manipulable, impressionable, sheeple - minds that need a mediator for the concepts they hold to be absolutely true, or absolutely untrue; priestly mediators that can spin a web of lies.

Tracing the history and course of the mental/psychic dis-ease infecting modern man.

Nihilism permits cognitive dissonance - compartmentalization, schizophrenia, self-deceit - to not suffer the negative consequences of such contradictions.

It allows a self-identifying’ anarchist, who claims to reject socialism or all organized social systems, to live in a socialist system, accusing its participants of being ‘confused’ and ‘hypocrites’; it allows a individual using intentional word confusions to reject free-will, while continuously practicing it, as choice, without suffering the burden of responsibility or the pangs of regret or any contradictions to their Abrahamic ethical standards; it allows an individual to dismiss morality as a fabrication imposed upon mankind, while proposing a ‘solution to world conflicts’ based on moral judgements.

In fact it allows any ideology, any belief, to remain contrary to actions, choices - self-deceit and hypocrisy are viable when a mind can identify itself with an ideal it then contradicts, in the real, with his actions and choices.
This schisms between a conscious mind’s convictions and tis stated ideals, and the body’s actions, and unconscious judgements and choices, is what nihilism maintains and cultivates, offering supportive credence to the mind’s convictions, and deceptions, so as to manipulate and control the body it belongs to., and serves.
This mind/body dissonance is created linguistically, i.e., semiotically; compartmentalizing consciousness so that it does not suffer any confusion, or stress, while practicing double-standards that contradict each other but do not challenge the conscious mind, i.e., ego.

We may harvest insights from Jaynes Bicameral Mind, to understand how this compartmentalization/schism, leads to denial of self, to belief in external agencies, to disbelief in individual agency, and finally to cynicism, necessitating self-deceit.

Well you would certainly know that.

Thomas Nagel
The Absurd

There’s just no way, in my view, that we can ever arrive at something definitive to conclude about all of this.

For one thing, we don’t even know for certain if the life that we live is or is not entirely interchangeable with the life of mice. Why? Because if our brain, like the mouse brain, is wholly in sync with the laws of matter, doesn’t that make our life no less fated/destined than the life of the mouse?

Back to this:

Only [of course] our brain, unlike the mouse brain, is self-conscious. And self-conscious to the point where our species has evolved to the point where we are matter actually able to invent…philosophy? Even metaphysics itself?

But: is that what absurdity is really all about? The mouse’s life can’t be absurd because it has no capacity to ponder what it means to be a mouse? Let alone ponder why there exists something instead of nothing, and this something instead of something else?

Is that what makes you and I absurd? We can ponder these things but are unable to actually demonstrate that in fact our existence can be connected all the way back to a teleological source?

Something along the lines of God…or a philosopher king?

And what still boggles our mind is that we really don’t know what it is like to “think” and to feel" and to “want” and to “need” like other animals. We are exactly like them in that we must subsist…we feed ourselves, we drink water, we reproduce ourselves, we defend ourselves.

Only that all unfolds in a sea of memes. Something other animals know nothing about.

For me, the absurd revolves around the assumption that, in a No God world, there does not appear to be an essential meaning or purpose that we can anchor I to. Our meaning and our purpose is profoundly existential. Rooted largely in dasein.

Then back to the futility of grappling even with that given “the gap” and “Rummy’s Rule”.

The simple-minded are confused by the act of their Liberal Elitists.

You have to be a flaming queer, homosexual, to be “progressive” and “cool”. The masses become confused by such displays: “Should I then too participate in homosexual displays as they pressure and persuade me to??

What the simple-minded do not realize, is the cunning and pretense of the liberal-elite themselves, who offer their poison to others, but do not imbibe, at least not fully, their own cocktail…

Mask-wearing, to demonstrate ones political class affiliation and elitism.

This is demonstrated daily on these online “philosophy” forums, especially Philosophy Now. Everyday liberal-leftist elitist virtue-signaling. They say how good it is to bring millions of third-world migrants into their country (as long as they are wealthy enough to live in gated-communities). It is the formerly middle-class who has to struggle with the dilemma, walking the tight-rope of being mugged/raped walking down what was once beautiful and safe suburban streets…and if they claim, then they will be outed & ousted as a dirty, wretched “conservative”. Then social media will be used to hunt them down, shame them, and target their home/life/reputation for destruction. This is why the liberal-moderates never dare speak out, lest they receive the worst repercussions for public indiscretion or “toxic masculinity”.

The last couple years, there has been a push to brand moderates/conservatives as ‘terrorists’ by the US government. Imagine that…

Yes…so they pretend to be cool and collected - rational -when their every opinion in based on emotion and ego…and I, admittedly coming across as emotional present a cool and collected perspective.

They are proud to be subjective…and only claim that all are equally so.

Psychologically, their ‘Ego’ and identity, self-identity, is erased…annihilated.

They identify with their feelings, emotions, and immediate gratification. They fear the politically-incorrect, the prospect of becoming Excluded by the majority. This is why the more cunning among them, tread lightly on these topics and issues. They take these apprehensions deeply into the “philosophical” arena. In here, they expose themselves in the Agora, attempting to imitate their intellectual superiors, peers, and heroes…most of them dead and in text. They feel their way through philosophy. When confronted directly, even under the protection of Anonymity, what do they display? What has been the history of ILP forum, or those like this, for decades?

And so it shall be for a century, and then two, and three…

Under the auspice of Nihilism, it becomes more of a psychological endeavor than a philosophical one. Their “self-identity” is very small. They identify with, and herald, their emotional gratifications and desires. This is what they base their “Free-Will” upon, and that if their inner-manimal were free, then they admit openly that they would be Criminals. They do not see the irony in this admittance.

Their ideal of freedom is based entirely on Emotion…which is why the Ancient political philosophers knew full well that they must never be allowed close to the levers of power. Because the Nihilist is self-destructive, irresponsible, infantile in its morality and sense of responsibility. Beholden to none, especially not their predecessors, and especially not their ancestors whom they do not love, but hate, and wish to forget. These ancestors are responsible for their current (lowly) station in life, their genetic consequences, poor breeding, poorly bred. An intergenerational-hatred…their great-great-great-great-grandparents sold their kin and cousins down the river, a much crueler slave-master. They have forgotten, and would not forgive them if they could remember.

Moderns and Post-moderns don’t realize that their spiritual station and restriction is multi-generational.

If they cannot see their emotions, then they certainly cannot see beyond ‘today’, definitely not to tomorrow. Definitely not beyond a decade or century. A larger scope is required to understand freedom in a greater context.

Thomas Nagel
The Absurd

Right. Let’s probe as many suicides as we can in order to determine how many revolved around grim circumstantial trials and tribulations and how many revolved philosophically around the absurdity of life. Although, sure, if your life is in the toilet and you are convinced it’s all essentially meaningless and purposeless, there might be a very real connection between them for some. I know that if, in the end, I opt for suicide, they will be connected. After all, if I was able to convince myself to embrace one or another God and one or another One True Path to immortality and salvation how could that not make all the difference in the world?

Here I always return to how, circumstantially, given a life brimming with all manner of satisfying experiences and fulfilling accomplishments, well, how many folks do you know who would construe the “absurdity of existence” as a problem? Besides, it’s not for nothing that most of us turn to Scripture when things go south rather than the Myth of Sisyphus. Either that or [here in America] they go shopping.

As for “prima facie disasters”…you tell me.

Of course he was Camus, right? Brilliant, handsome, charming…a “philosophy chick” magnet.

What I wouldn’t give to have him still around reacting to my own existential quandaries.
You know, instead of you folks.

Just joshing of course. :wink: