Nihilistic rhapsody

The unavoidable deamon within constantly being beaten back by reason, and by compassion will never die. The deamon will not be overcome by technology, it will only make it that much more apparent. The deamon of interolance backed by ignorance is an unavoidable flaw in all human reasoning. We are unable to overcome it, and yet we are at the same time ashamed of it, so we invent things like equality to counter it. The very concept of equality begs that everyone is unequal, it feeds the deamon, it is a term that should not be applied to huamn beings, it trivializes us as if we were sheep, and is nothing but a futile attempt of overcoming in-equality. Equality proves that there will always be in-equality. When will we stop thinking of other humans in terms of equal or un-equal, and just think of based on what they are. Equality is a master of deception, the ones that triumph it are it’s worst abusers. They know not what they do when the shout “We are all equal” from there supposed mountains, they know not what message they are sending to there children when they even bring the idea of judging humans into the conversation. “Don’t say that, intolerance isn’t acceptable, we are all equal” is what they say to there children. But little do they know that this is just a way for there deamons to hide, a way for them to harbor in-equality under the guise of equality. When will the day come when the parent says “Intolerance is ignorance, but so is tolerance for it is another form of intolerance, a human is just a human”.

“An indifference not only toward difference, but also toward sameness is what I seek” so says the nihilist.

What is the point?
What is the need?
Why are we here,
and why do I contintue to feed?
Everytime I reach into my depth why do I find dispare,
only in the superficial can I find anything I can bare.

I have a facade, that allows me the function
but under it will always lie the nihilistic conjunction.
I come to the realization that nothing matters
it always hits me late at night
leaving my dreams in tatters.

My realization is kind of funny
It is even kind of sad
but eventually it will leave my mind
and I will again have dreams of the old kind.

Indifference is my creed
and stagnation is my ingenious seed
I sow it where ever I can
laughing, because i’m it’s only fan

When I am, alone sometimes i can understand
why the void would bring clarity to the land.
If it swept through the streets like it does through my brain
enlightenment would be a nihilistic train.

Nihilism is my own personal blight
only my shoulders are there to fight.
That is the beauty of it, though
it is so horrible, but can’t be understood
when you face it outright
you experience something you thought you never could.

I feel nothing but dispair
I feel nothing but hope
This god damn thing called nihilism
is my gift, and it is my joke.

Is the infinite regress overcome through the use of reduction, can we make it dissappear by applying mathematics to it? How absurd is it to bind something that challenges all truth, all foundation, by the very foundation that it challenges, without first affirming the foundation… Can we refute Infinite regress with the circular foundations found in the definitions of mathematics, what application can anything have to a regress of nothing? What is this game that we so dearly want to play, this game of making things what they are not, and of simplifying the fiend that shows why you cannot simplify. . .

We defy the void by definitions, we defy the void by attacking it with the very wake it leaves in its path. We attack the infinite regress while it is not looking, and quickly retreat when it does look. By what foundation can we attack the regress? By mathematical foundation? What will save math from the regress when it focuses on it, what will come to reduce the void when it preys on the very foundation of reason? 1+1=2 so says cowardly math, slowly gaining strength as the void is pointed in the other direction. 1+1=2 shouts emboldened math as the void moves in to prey on the “I”. . .1+1=2 Shouts math as it bludgeons the void off of “I”. . .What will math do when the void comes for it. . .Will “I” be there to save it, will “I” be embolded by the wake of the void too?

Math shouts “I am the foundation”
“I” should “I too am foundation”
Logic shouts “I too am foundation”
Reason shouts “I am foundation”
Reality shouts “I also am from the land of foundations”
Being shouts “I share foundation with my brothers”
Existence shouts “We are all the same, I too am foundation”
Regress shouts “We are all the same indeed, “existence”, but i’m afraid none of us are foundation”

The regress knows what the other foundations do not, it knows that they are all born of the same parents. . .The regress knows it is not a bastard as “I” and “math” would want it to be. One day the regress will care enough to tell the others how foolish they have been acting, one day the others will call the regress “brother”. One day math’s grandiose delusions will dissappear, and so math will dissappear too, one day the void will call math “my child”.

Why even ask the question? Get on with life and you won’t be troubled by nihilism - Nietzsche in a nutshell.

Nietzsche in a herdsmen’s nutshell