I don’t even fully understand what the Existentialism is trying to claim, at times it seems as if to suggest personal standards to find meaning at life, b ut at the same time is somehow a reaction to rationalism/empiricism.
Is it the claim that minds manipulate their own ‘truth’?
What existence that of the organism? What essence? What do they think essence means? (defined by thought and not biology?) What do you mean by ‘nature’ or ‘meaning’
I don’t understand how its a reaction to empiricism/rationality then. People can define the meaning of their lives on personal standards and never decide to randomly jaunt into whimsical belief. Is that what it tries to justify?
I understand the basic propositions to some extent, I really don’t understand how its supposed to make any real sense. Its never properly defined as to how and why these things are true.
but abstraction like that is inherent to human nature and concreteness and etc? it seems like a bunch of fuzzily defined concepts with fuzzily defined explanations.