No "E"s allowed!!

It’s amazing how much you can say without it. Try it out.

Ah, but only through agility and skillful wording (or misspelling) is this goal brought about.


Look at your post, you did it wrong. Try again, though!

I’m not into that stuff. Sorry if you had a hard go of it. You’ll do okay without it. Good luck!

You’ll not find this philosophical knight abiding by such an arbitrary, silly law in his postings!


You cannot win.

Tristan: “Quote:”

From this I know that posting board quotation macros work against us!

I thought I shouldn’t put in that third possibility, but I couldn’t think of why.

I warrant sig’s don’t count, it’s only fair!

That’s not too difficult.

them ideas of yours are easy to implement!.. If you want to!

I want to say that this chain of posts is abnormally absurd. It is rather painful to watch patrons of ILP spawn such uninspiring quips about such a radical topic.

That this forum submits to it’s ordination of using what is fifth in our array of linguistic signs must unavoidably be thought ruinous. Such poison is usually found among commonality, but among ILP’s kingly class of social cultivation it is unmistakably tragic.

Holy crap! Is Nilhilistic our victor? Can nobody triumph against his vocabulary?

A plurality of unfair play on his part doth disqualify his contribution.

Howso? His post looks fair on a cursory scan. Spurious accusations!

Modification: Upon further scrutiny, I do spy the taboo symbol. Nilhilistic is in truth, a con.

At two points in his rant did Nihilistic - mayhap unwittingly - stray from your original instruction.

Two? I only saw half as many. Still, a fraud is a fraud.

Without much scrutiny, I found conmanship in your modification, too.

Why must You inquiry against my plight? Exposition of inaccuracy?

BE you villainous monstrosity! It was an unwilling conscription!

You go unfair paths to attain your goal (or so you think): “inquiry” is a noun-only word (and you show your conmanship again with your last contribution’s third capital).