Billions of people around the world are following some kind of organized religion. Most people in the world probably believe that organized religion is a good thing for humanity. I would have to disagree. I think organized religion is the source of most of the misery on this planet that human beings have to live with. Religious people would argue that without religion the world would be much worse than it is right now. They would probably say that people would not think twice about committing violent acts and the world would be full of anarchy. There is nothing that anyone can say to convince me that the world is not full of anarchy and people not thinking twice about committing violent acts right now.
The top two religions of choice for people to follow in the world today are Christianity and Islam. These two religions are different but they a few things in common. For example rules that were given to them by their god. They have logical rules to follow like, do not kill and do not steal. Unfortunately most of the rules that their god gave them to follow are illogical. Millions of Muslims and Christians around the world are following illogical rules because they believe that their god will punish them if they don’t. I don’t blame Allah, Jehovah, or Jesus for all of this stupidity. All of the holy books in the world were written by humans, not by an omnipotent being for another dimension. When ever I think about rules like the Ten Commandments or Moses seeing a burning bush, I imagine a group of intelligent men with the desire to control people smoking or drinking something that would probably be illegal in most countries today. Think about the commandments like thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife and the Koran saying that a man can marry up to four wives. Think about the way women are treated in African and Asian countries with Islamic laws. Men have all of the power and women are treated like shit, because according to Muslim men it is what Allah wants. It is all about men controlling women. Some of you may be surprised to know that there was a time when women had more power than men in some parts of Africa and Asia. I am not sure but I think it was approximately 8000 or 10000 years ago. That is one of the reasons why women have little or no rights in that part of the world today. Can you imagine if the men were wearing the veils instead of the women?
I don’t have a problem with all organized religions. If the majority of religious people in the world were Buddhist the world would probably be a much more peaceful place to live. I wish I was raised as a Buddhist but unfortunately I was raised as a Christian. I spent most of life believing that the Lord Jesus Christ was my savior. I also believed that I was probably going to go to hell when I died because I always had doubts about Christian ideology. As I got older I became more interested in science and Buddhism. I realized that many of the beliefs that Christians had were illogical and unhealthy. I can give you two examples of illogical unhealthy beliefs.
The concept of good and evil. There is no such thing as good and evil. Good an evil are just products of evolution. I believe that human beings are moneys with large brains relative to the size of our bodies. If you observed a group of monkeys in the wild you would see that their behavior is very similar to ours. They have rules to follow, except for the dominant males or females. They can get away with almost anything. The same way a king or president can give someone orders to take a life. Does that make George Bush and Saddam Hussein evil? Everything is perception. It all depends on what side you are on and what kind of rank you have in society.
Anyone that has a television or a radio should have heard about the sexual abuse by priest in Catholic churches all over the world. I think we will continue to hear more stories about sexual abuse involving Catholic priest and alter boys for many years because Catholics are not willing to do what has to be done to solve the problem. Human beings are capable of suppressing their sexual desires but it can’t be done the way Catholic priest are trying to do it. You will probably never hear stories about Buddhist monks raping young boys in their temples in Tibet and India. The reason this will probably never happen is because some monks chose to live without sex but they don’t live without the chemical illusions and well being that people feel by engaging in sexual activities. Some of you may have heard about the monks that had their brains scanned with MRI. They have an incredible amount of activity in their left prefrontal cortex. If meditation is not enough for any of the monks they still have the option of pursuing a sexual relationship without feeling like they have done something wrong. The monks that have reached a state Zen probably get more pleasure from meditating than the average human being gets from sex. Catholic priest have to realize that the Judea Christian philosophy of resisting temptations in this world so they can get into heaven is stupid. They spend most of their time praying to a god that doesn’t answer them. How much pleasure can they possibly get from that? Muslim clerics spend a lot of time praying to, but at least they can go home to their wives at night. It is not healthy for humans to live without sexual pleasure. If Catholic priest are not willing to change their beliefs there is one other solution to the problem. The Vatican could pay to have priest all around the world chemically castrated.
I have one other thing that I would like say about organized religion. Unfortunately most politicians around the world are religious. They tend to follow Christian based religions or Muslim based religions. That is the reason why the world is full of illogical laws that make life very miserable for people. Religion is the reason why a nine year old girl living in South America can be forced to have a child after she has been raped. We have the Catholic Church to thank for that. They believe that all life is precious. Life is not precious. Life is an endless dream of pain and sorrow. Some people are just lucky enough to be born in the right country at the right time with a good genetic code so they can at least have a chance to find happiness.