No Longer Relevant.

Theory-time little boys & girls!

I have observed constant complaints about the Amerikan culture being “short-sighted”, “crazy”, “sadistic”, “mental”, and “egotistic”. While these things are probably true, what I want to point out here is the phenomenally-short attention span of nearly-all Amerikans. What is this thing? Why is it?

This thing is a socio-evolutionary phenomenon. Because the human mind & body is evolving at an exponential rate with accord to population growth, size, and the relevance of ‘time’ as a spacial-dimension (of thought), the collective-thoughts of the masses (i.e. Amerikans) are growing exponentially with a direct-relation to a “cognitive generation” of Western thinkers/youth. In other words, because the next generations of Amerikan people, human animals, are going to be quicker & quicker thinkers, more developed evolutionary-speaking with their brain ‘matter’, the real-time aspect of change and human advancement will also be strictly-exponential.

The Amerikan attention span is like this: Make a point. Do it fast. Or leave.

If you cannot sell your product to the human mind within 15-seconds, then you fail. The Amerikan consumer will not buy it. Neither will we buy your points if you even have any. If you cannot make a point within-15 sentences, then you fail. This conception applies to all thing.

The reason for this phenomenon is the exponential evolutionary growth of the human mind, integrated into a collective-mindset that has never before been available to the world: the internet. All things that occur, now occur in “real-time”, 5 dimensions of human thought. If what you say is not “real”, then it is also not “relevant”. This thinking pace of the Individual & Society will quicken faster & faster every decade, and then, every year, and then every month, until the calendars and “time” in general no longer make sense. The clock will become a thing of the past. Time will even become irrelevant.

Though, everything I just said is no longer relevant to you.

I agree that a short attention span exiss in american culture but i doubt it is due to genetics.

I agree that we are undergoing an evolutionary change due to our rapidly changing habits, but we didnt get stupid that quick…

I believe that the short attention span is something that is nurtured into a perfectly good brain.

We are bombarded with sights and sounds designed to enthrall us. We are fed simple repetitive catchy information in entertaining ways. We simple change the channel until something interests us when we’re watching t.v.

I think it’s more due to the aount of advertisemens that exist. (and t.v itself).

Are you using reasoning or emotion to doubt?

Give your reason.

Who says Amerikans are “stupid”?

I am an Amerikan; am I “stupid”?

Are all “good brains” created “equal”?

I do not see that it is nurtured at all. There is a bio-genetic imperative at work.

This is real-life I am talking about.

Make your point. Do it fast. Or get out.

Are you using reasoning or emotion to doubt?

Give your reason.

Have it your way…

I wont be bothering you again…

Who said you were “bothering” me? → and why not?

looking at fossils from 6million years ago, hominids, theres nothing to suggest exponential evolution in any of em’ right till now.

Am I missing something? What’s with the misspelled “American”? Is that intentional?

Taking a sample of 10 mosquitoes to study for their DNA evolution is going to see different results compared to when you take an absolute-sized sample of the group, the group-itself, and then track that particular group for millions of years, and then also coincide the sample to itself quantitatively-speaking.

It is not a misspelling. America with a “C” is a misspelling.

Singling out America as racist as in spelling it Amerika is quite antagonistic, the rest of the world is just as racist as America.

I know it is; that what makes Amerika the greatest hypocrisy of all. We believe our own lies here. Amerikans cannot escape this fact.

If there was no such thing as ‘hypocrisy’, it wouldn’t be in the dictionary

god is in there… :laughing:

I suppose it must be working, if Amerikans mistakenly believe that shortening something somehow constitutes “growth”

Crazy is just a different perception of reality, sometimes that can be good. Sadism can be good if you find a good masochist. I am definitely more mental then physical, although sometimes I wish I had a better balance. Egotism I work to eliminate every day. That is rampant in all western cultures though, not just Amerikkka.

Wonderer is DEAD ON with the commercials thing. Subliminal messaging isn’t even illegal in Amerika. TV is like a God here. People spend almost a quarter of their lives on average sitting in front of it. Imagine if they spent that time meditating instead! But no, they watch all the stupid commercials that don’t even sell products, only put out idiotic forms of humor that only brain dead morons laugh at to distract us from the fact that they are turning our brains into jelly and subverting our rational thought by placing consumer impulses in our heads instead of actual marketing. It goes on from the womb to the tomb. I get sick seeing how people with new babies are too lazy to raise their children so they plop their 1-2 year olds down in front of the boob tube to get them to shut up when they want attention/affection from their parents. My own niece was given a TV in her room when she was less then 2 years old. Point proven. This is why our minds are fucked up.

I hate to say it, but racism being more prevalent in Amerikkka is dead on. It is getting much better, but anyone who thinks different is kidding themselves. There is no KKK in Europe for example. Of course one of the things that leads to the complication here in Amerikkka is the fact that our government refuses to enforce our emigration laws which causes huge social problems, destroys our culture, and our economy. But that is the idea since they want to unite Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. as a North American Union.

Other then that, Amerika needs to be spelled with a “k” because it is no longer the country our founding fathers fought so hard for. It has over the years changed from a Constitutional Republic to a Democratic Communism. The “democracy” part is even a joke now though since all the elections are rigged. They are just there to give us the illusion of freedom of choice. But most people won’t admit this since it is admitting that we are slaves. But I am a realist so there you have it. Our country was the greatest example of freedom and liberty. Now we are slaves and our hard earned money all goes towards destroying democracy in other countries that have nothing to do with us. If we were smart we would go to the polls every 2 years with protest signs and not let anyone in the buildings. But Americans are too lazy for that, and as long as their bellies are full they are happy. Better to just slip back into a dream world.

But hey, you Europeans think you have it better? You were already suckered a long time ago. It is just a relatively new thing for us. And we are hated by your ruling monarchs so we are getting the brunt of it. Too bad we didn’t REALLY free you after WW2. We just handed you back over to your original tyrants. Those central banks you got have been raping you for centuries. And guess where all that money goes? To all those monarchs you thought you overthrew a long time ago. Your elections are no better then ours. You are consensual slaves just like us but you are so used to it you don’t even question it anymore.

Don’t get me wrong though, I certainly have nothing against Europeans (only despots and oligarchs), and I LOVE my country. The one thing that still keeps making America great is the fact that we still have that original idea that our founding fathers had. It still lives on in some of us. We might have to fight another revolution to win it back, but it is still there, and nobody can take that from us.

Steps down from soap box