Theory-time little boys & girls!
I have observed constant complaints about the Amerikan culture being “short-sighted”, “crazy”, “sadistic”, “mental”, and “egotistic”. While these things are probably true, what I want to point out here is the phenomenally-short attention span of nearly-all Amerikans. What is this thing? Why is it?
This thing is a socio-evolutionary phenomenon. Because the human mind & body is evolving at an exponential rate with accord to population growth, size, and the relevance of ‘time’ as a spacial-dimension (of thought), the collective-thoughts of the masses (i.e. Amerikans) are growing exponentially with a direct-relation to a “cognitive generation” of Western thinkers/youth. In other words, because the next generations of Amerikan people, human animals, are going to be quicker & quicker thinkers, more developed evolutionary-speaking with their brain ‘matter’, the real-time aspect of change and human advancement will also be strictly-exponential.
The Amerikan attention span is like this: Make a point. Do it fast. Or leave.
If you cannot sell your product to the human mind within 15-seconds, then you fail. The Amerikan consumer will not buy it. Neither will we buy your points if you even have any. If you cannot make a point within-15 sentences, then you fail. This conception applies to all thing.
The reason for this phenomenon is the exponential evolutionary growth of the human mind, integrated into a collective-mindset that has never before been available to the world: the internet. All things that occur, now occur in “real-time”, 5 dimensions of human thought. If what you say is not “real”, then it is also not “relevant”. This thinking pace of the Individual & Society will quicken faster & faster every decade, and then, every year, and then every month, until the calendars and “time” in general no longer make sense. The clock will become a thing of the past. Time will even become irrelevant.
Though, everything I just said is no longer relevant to you.