My basic arguement is that all things experience the universe(yes, even inanimate objects and the objects which make them up and so on, but that’s not the point). They do this with their bodies, all of the bodies in the universe are uniquely combined, and uniquely positioned in space and time(i.e. my body five minutes ago is not my body now), and thusly every body exists in their own universe which is inconcievable to another body.
Only a translated view can be transmitted between bodies which invariably alters both bodies differently, making striving toward even remote commonality not only pointless but also defeating the purpose.
Sure, everyone’s brain produces the simulation that we see before us (a simulation of the real world that helped our ancestors survive) say we don’t see objects made up of mostly empty spaces because we’re a middle sized organism.
That being said we have enough common universal architecture that we can interact with other people meaningfully and all live in the same ‘universe’ and be confident that everyone elses hardware produces a very, very, very close picture.
If you’re not being sarcastic(3/1f) then thank you.
If you are(15/1) then I didn’t say no commonality, I said no chance of even remote commonality, which is true if you think about all the individual factors that are independant of each other(memory, DNA, perception(that’s an imporant one), knowledge and the like), the common stuff we have is minute in comparison.