Not at all, I’m happy as Larry.
I’m not getting ugly, that’s simply your interpretation of otherwise benign words.
I didn’t say that, I said that to characterise marriage as consisting of males views and female views is absurd and gets us nowhere towards the equality (or approximation thereof) many of us seek.
I’m creative enough to not need cliches, though I admit I use from time to time (sic)
Got one, very much in love. Has sod all to do with her doing what she likes: both of us make sacrifices and compromises and are happy to do so because of the benefits of our knowing each other. That’s love, my friend, this ‘I can do what I like and you’d better damn well like it or you are a sexist’ crap gets us nowhere.
On the contrary I’ve never been married, but fully intend to be utterly monogamous to my present partner who I shall marry when finance and circumstance allow. I love her, it’s very simple. Individual freedom is never even an issue.
Balls! I’ve been dumped once, by a girl I was growing to despise (mainly due to her weakness of spirit) and would have dumped were it not for the fact I didn’t feel like destroying her.
On the contrary, just because I don’t empathise with you doesn’t mean I’m incapable of empathy, my dear. I have plenty of that, just not for individualistic time-wasters and weak-spirited nobodies.
Bullshit! Prove it.
Balls once more! That’s a liberal feminist, there’re plenty of other types of ‘true’ feminists. The individual woman, nor women collectively are the arbiters of truth and justice, that’s just liberal mumbo-jumbo. Truth and justice only exist by agreement, those who aren’t willing to compromise (i.e. not just do whatever the heck they like) have no place in politics.
Or because Otto the milkman is banging Penelope from no. 23 but whatever…
Bullshit. Men have lots of different views, depending on which man you ask. Same for women. Sometimes they overlap. There aren’t ‘two seperate viewpoints’ and if you believe that I suggest you stop watching soap operas and chatshows and seriously consider giving Otto a flash of your goodies.
You have no idea how much you are a slave to the individualist rhetoric of your time, you think you’ve achieved so much. If your husband is that bad get rid of him, there’s people you can call, cement overcoats need not be mentioned but don’t whine in public and make hasty generalisations on the basis of your own personal experience.