notes from: terrified by numbers

terrified by numbers

their mass in

a man can survive
knowing very little
about mathematics

simply basics
merely necessities

everything is an
extra, an addition,
and also overstepping…

Don’t count on too much…


what do you expect
what voodoo you do
grilling the head
with X and minus signs…

the day you turned flowers
in on economics
was every season’s end…

In the beginning God created mathematics and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and the spirit of God was hovering over the depths. God said, “let there be sets”; and there were sets. He separated the emptiness from the fullness, being from nonbeing. He called the being “one” and the nonbeing “zero”; the first day. Then God said, “let there be forms and relations between sets.” The forms and relations he called functions; the second day. Then God said “let there be movement and space arise from set and function.” He called it geometry, the third day…

some more stuff happened, then he finally said “let there be the mind of man, my greatest creation. His mind shall be the image of my mind, and he shall see the glory that I have wrought. For I love him and it is good to give him such wondrous eyes.”

And God beheld his creation and his man. Indeed, without loss of generality, he said it was very good. QED

god is the universe he creted that’s why you get that feeling of someone watching you even though knowone else is there :astonished:

i really liked this and not just because your mentioning math in poetry (because the two are supposedly mutually exclusive).

lines like:

work for you and aren’t over done.

one thing: i’m sensitive to references about voodoo because of the haitian ties in my life.