
How? We live in one moment yes, this very moment. They too lived in one moment. But how are they ‘‘going about their lives right now?’’

Rami, The simplest analogy I can think of to explain, is that of a DVD.

All scenes exist together on the DVD. The start of the film, the end of the film. We watch (experience) the film in a certain order, yet in truth all the data is already there in it’s entirety, all the time.

On this DVD called life, exists a frame for EVERY possibility.

But the really mental part is that not only is there a scene called “hitler” where he tried to take over the world, but there is also a scene called hitler where he became a painter. (I guess that is the DVD multi-angle feature)

Which scene are you going to watch NOW? The one where you go to the loo, or the one where you hold it and reply to me first? You’ve got the remote…
