Numerology: Predictions, & meanings.

I’m thinking of a number between one & two; can you guess what it is?

Numerology has guided me down a path of new enlightenment. As all us philosophers (and people in general) should know, the year 2012 is right around the corner. A short few years away, 3.7ish to be exact. With the nearing year, I fell upon a realization through numbers. One question led me to the equation of a lifetime. Well… my lifetime. And that is coincidently funny to me. Here’s why; the question.

QUESTION: “Does my birthday fall on a Sunday of the year 2012?”
ANSWER: Yes, it does. encouraged by that, 6 months later I decided to add ALL of the Sunday’s of the year 2012 for poops & giggles… 815 is the number they all added to. So I then added that number to 2012, and resulted with an answer that really opened my eyes, wide.

The equation:

815+2012= 2827
(2+8)+(2+7)= 109
10+9= 19
1+9= 10
1+0= 1
1 is the answer the feel from theses numbers. You can also take a short cut:
(You can see above how I associated the numbers, so from here on I’ll do that immediately.)

8+1+5= 5
2+0+1+2= 5
5+5= 1

What was so coincidental from earlier is that, this entire equation (the first one above) has my entire birthday in it. Not just the month & day, but the year of my birth. My birthday is 07/29/1985. Check it out.

After seeing that I went number crazy, later sequencing letters of the alphabet with their corresponding numbers, spelling words, and then adding them the same way I did the original equation. Using words from biblical history (especially), science, my own personal background, and my own personal theories/philosophies; I have come up with many, many, many coinciding numbers showing me proof that, yes!, the number system works.

I’ll present to you a couple in particular for any who are in doubt of God’s existence.

G- 7
O- 15
D- 4
7+15+4= 8 (GOD)

E- 5
X- 24
I- 9
S- 19
T- 20
5+24+9+19+20= 5 (EXIST)

8+5= 4

YES= 4 / NO= 2

Do any name pertaining to God, you’ll get 8: Holy, Jehova, Creator

Here’s more.

U- 21
N- 14
I- 9
V- 22
E- 5
R- 18
S- 19
E- 5

Add em up

GOD= 8

That’s asking if “God’s the creator of the universe?”

8+8+6= 16+6
16+6= 22
2+2= 4
4 (YES) According to numerology.

Um, excuse me, as I am a little ignorant of numerology, but aren’t those equations false? It seems a little silly to base a conclusion on false equations. How does 7+15+4=8? That makes no sense.

Also, about the 2012 thing, I don’t think that it is anything other then the transition from the age of pisces to aquarius. I am a pantheist so astrology has a sort of appeal to me. But it is also a little behind in the times since the commonly used astrology doesn’t take into account the earth’s precession, and is therefore inaccurate. If they would fix that, then I would be more into it. The dates of the star signs need to move depending on how much time has gone by so that they follow the earth’s precession.

If you follow the whole changing of the ages thing, then it is interesting to note that people should start dumping Christianity since Christianity is represented by the fish which is the sign of the age of pisces, and Jesus was quoted in the bible saying “I will be with you until the end of this age”. About freaking time, and good riddance. Maybe this time we can avoid moving to a new incarnation of Nimrod, the Babylonian Sun-God-King, since the nobody will buy the whole "annointed one, born of a virgin, performed miracles, betrayed for silver, died for our sins, and came back to life thing anymore.

You must have not read the entire thing, it may seem silly to me to call something false, and then ask how it works. In the original equation, I clearly demonstrate how these equations work.

Is that Watchtower? I didn’t know he said that.

“There are somethings that neither he nor the angels knew, but only God knew.” ~Watchtower

The Galactic Alignment is more than just a transition of signs. It’s a rare occasion, pertaining the earth, moon, & two suns, that occurs once every 26,000 years.
This may be hard to buy, but I do believe it has more to do with the original prophecy of apocalypse, than I sunny day of transition. Here’s reason why in Numerology:


MOON - 3
SUN - 9




This may all be hard to take in at the moment, I recommend breathing easy. lol. But, my main reason to believe numerology and it’s predictions of grave matters is because of this. (It’s a rough read, but catch the gist of it)

Digging inside the box, I have discovered what that there is a wave flow of endless outcomes defined by the infinite possibilities and impossibilities in reality.
All based on the fact that yesterday making today is & will always be there making today from the past, as we today create tomorrow’s bright future in the 500 billion years we have to do so. Somewhere at sometime within our own universe, the shirt you wear now may be a higher tint of blue, or perhaps an entirely different color. In fact in the same space you wear the blue shirt, you may have sat in some gum earlier that day, still within the same space. Or maybe somewhere you could have sat in the gum, almost stepped in poo on the way home, while wearing a purple, striped shirt. And decided to do a cart-wheel or two… or maybe run up a wall. You may even go skydiving tomorrow… then change your mind and do something else. And at your girlfriends house; you promised to fix her sink last week. So her you finally are standing up from fixing her sink, and a bullet passes through her window barley missing you by 3 measly centimeters; blessing you with many more days on this Earth. Say you stood up 3cm more to the left… On another side of possibilities, you could have gotten hit by that bullet because you were looking out the window, or she was wearing no shirt at all! Then maybe one of you could spontaneously combust.
There are other possibilities where something happens to the gunman, causing him to effect you two 10 minutes later. Maybe sooner… or not at all. Perhaps, you lucked out, never having combusted until 3 years later as you arrived at the water park on one hot day… wearing that same blue shirt. Not to mention the atoms in still matter like trees, or a television, or even a building… Many would question; how do these objects alternate their purpose of universal possibilities? Simple; something else could be there in it’s place. Cut down the tree, re-occupy the space. Or the tree could just simply be a different one; rooted another way. All these possibilities of you being here or there, doing this or that; or even this or that being here or there are around us here and now.
And along with all endless possibilities counter impossibilities. Impossibilities that balance the boundaries of life. The endless opportunities of possible and impossible are alternate universes that shape time and space; or, reality. Some professionals speculate that on a sub-atomic level, each atom in reality may hold it’s own alternate universe of the time and space they’re in. Universes that recycle over one another to create time and space in and out our space and time. I believe it. Whenever I fall asleep, and into dreamland… Dream the re-enactment of a moment but, something’s different. And then the disruptive transition from dreaming to waking up. Or. When I’m dreaming and… A moment later that day is played out in prediction. Or. Every time I have Deja Vu.



Add em together: 2



Add em together: 1


As a small piece of extra credit:

UNIVERSE= 6 (123) 3+2+1= 6 (Cool)



Sorry, I got my own equation backward. It’s:


Add em together: 9


I did read the entire thing, and it didn’t make any sense. That is why I was asking you to clarify your logic. I know how to add, and none of that makes any real sense to me. Adding the two digits together of a two digit number could be taken more then one way. For example: 7+15+4 could be 7 as well as 8 depending on when you add the two digits together. So is there a specific formula for decoding these? How doI know when to add two digit numbers together and when not to?

Regarding the bible quote it is from Matthew 28:20 and the verbatim quote is: “And I assure you that I will be with you until the end of this age”. He also marked the beginning of the age of Pisces as well. That’s a pretty big coencidence.

Also, I was wondering what if humanity had adopted a pentadecimal system rather then a decimal one? Wouldn’t that completely change numerology? All of the answers would be completely different and there would be more single digit numbers to work with. I always thought that would be a better system anyway since it is a 3:5 ratio which is an approximation of the number Phi which represents beauty and perfection, and all life organizes itself by. The only reason we have a decimal system is that our ancestors were counting on their fingers.

How’d you get a 7? Please enlighten me.

I understand what you mean; as I tried sequencing the numbers for the words One & Uno (english & spanish) I got two different numbers. 8 & 6. My best response for this is that in the other culture’s number systems they may get the same results according to their words and numbers. But due to the fact that I can not travel I am bound to using information on the internet. But, in spanish; bare with me;


GOD- 8
8+2= 1 (SI)




I actaully just began to do this in spanish a second ago (thanks to you), so thank you. I shall continue to try out all of my other equations in concluions in spanish. I’ll keep you updated via p.m.'s if you don’t mind.

Okay, I just realized I was wrong about that. No matter how you do the double digit thing it still comes out to 8. That is pretty nifty! Now if you get the same answers for spanish then you really will have something there. Seems like the easiest way to do this then is to just add all the numbers together and then add the two digits together. Then it is less steps. That is what I was looking for…

But here is the real question, what if we were to subtract? Is it always addition in numerology, or is there subtraction, multiplication, and division as well? What about square roots, cube roots, etc? It seems like since we live in 4 dimensional space that quad roots would be the most useful. For example, what is the quad root of GOD? you said God equals 8 right? Well the quad root of 8=1.68179283. If we do the adding all the numbers up thing again we get 45 which = 9. But do decimals count? What does numerology say about them?

Yea, but the easiest actual way (trade secret) :wink: is to add all double digit numbers first, then add them all together. No matter what direction you approach in adding these numbers, you’ll get the same answer.

This is a little touchy, and a bit revealing on my part. The only time I saw to subtract was when I tried to foretell my own demise, lol. By subtracting the prior numbers that would sequence to the number meaning ‘die’ or ‘death’ and subtract it from there. I got a date as far as I can see, but who knows. When it came time for to divide the numbers were huge. So I’m guess the only time you divide is when you’re adding a major group of numbers that result in, let’s say 5-6 digit numbers, and have a base number you’ve been using to conjure the original results. For example:

After I did that original equation with 815+2012=2827… … …=1, I used 815 & added that number to all the Sunday birthdays in the year 2012.

1/1 + 815= 826
1/8 + 815= 824

4/15 + 815= 930
4/22 + 815= 937

12/2+815= 937
12/9+815= 944

And so on: After I got results for those I added all the weeks in these months together:

826+824+930+937+944= 4451

I got large numbers like these for all 12 months. From there I had two options; continue adding, or divide. But divide by what? The same number I used to get them, 815. So as I divided, I resulted with decimals for each of the twelve months. This part is very complex and will may you at a loss, but using distinct numbers I solved it’s mystery. Here’s as goes:

4451/815= 5.4613496932515337423312883435583
3942/815= 4.836809815950920245398773006135

I took both approaches to this. 1) Round off the numbers and add the solid number. 2) Use the numerology method to reduce the apparent numbers.

As I rounded off the numbers they added to 3. When I added the larger numbers from before, they also equaled 3. So I added 3 to 3, resulting in 6.
The 2nd option may have left me hanging a bit in the end, but I managed to drop the decimal with two distinct numbers.

These two numbers were 815 and the number 5. The reason I chose 815 is apparent, but 5? I noticed a lot of things about 5 in Numerology. first off, 5 occurs in good words like:


Also, if you were to divide 8 with 2, you’ll get 4. The reason I’m saying this is because on the number scale, 1-9, 5 stands alone. For instance:


Another note about 5’s is this. Some very personal information of mine, as well as some new found information due to the write above that I am no longer afraid of revealing. I have 5 5’s in my life.

My Height, 5’ 9"= 5
Weight 140= 5
My age 23 which= 5
My birthday, 07/29/1985 all= 5
And my SSN… all add up to 5.

My name is Travis Allen Smith. It equals 4 in numerology. Thus when 8 was divided by 4, it opened my eyes. I believe there’s someone else out there with the other half of what it is I present to you. Thank you. Anyway, now that that’s out, I shall continue.

As I use numerogical order to defeat the decimals for all 12 months, I resulted another decimal number from them: 81.2. Since the original large numbers from earlier equal 3, I divided that by 3. Result… another decimal number. This number was ferocious though, it took me a while but I accurately got it. The number: 27.066666666666666666666666666667. I almost went blind counting the 6’s. lol. But after adding the 28 6’s in numerogical order, I resulted with one last decimal number. 27.4.

With 27.4 as my “final” answer I knew not which way to go, but up. Know this; using both 815, & 5 to drop this decimal result with the same numerogical answer. This is where I multiplied.

27.4 x 815= 22331 x 5= 11665

27.4 x 5= 137 x 815= 11655

1+1+6+5+5= 1

11655 x 8= 893240, 8+9+3+2+4+0= 8 itself. (God)

The number we began with. that’s the long way of doing this equation to find if there is truth in the original. 815+2012

Another way of doing this is this.

27.4 x 815= 22331
2+2+3+3+1= 2

27.4 x 5= 137
1+3+7= 2

Funny thing is, my screen name’s have been “The Numbers Between one & two” on myspace. As you can see, the original equation, 815+2012 ends with 1. Go the long way to find a meaning, it results with 2.

Silly me… lol. I took the really long road to to that one/

If you immediately sequence 81.2 in numerogical order to get 9.2, it shaves alot of work off your hands. Here’s as goes:

9.2 x 815= 7498
7+4+9+8= 1

9.2 x 5= 46
4+6= 1

Add God into the equation.

8 of course.