Numerology: Predictions, & meanings.

I’m thinking of a number between one & two; can you guess what it is?

Numerology has guided me down a path of new enlightenment. As all us philosophers (and people in general) should know, the year 2012 is right around the corner. A short few years away, 3.7ish to be exact. With the nearing year, I fell upon a realization through numbers. One question led me to the equation of a lifetime. Well… my lifetime. And that is coincidently funny to me. Here’s why; the question.

QUESTION: “Does my birthday fall on a Sunday of the year 2012?”
ANSWER: Yes, it does. encouraged by that, 6 months later I decided to add ALL of the Sunday’s of the year 2012 for poops & giggles… 815 is the number they all added to. So I then added that number to 2012, and resulted with an answer that really opened my eyes, wide.

The equation:

815+2012= 2827
(2+8)+(2+7)= 109
10+9= 19
1+9= 10
1+0= 1
1 is the answer the feel from theses numbers. You can also take a short cut:
(You can see above how I associated the numbers, so from here on I’ll do that immediately.)

8+1+5= 5
2+0+1+2= 5
5+5= 1

What was so coincidental from earlier is that, this entire equation (the first one above) has my entire birthday in it. Not just the month & day, but the year of my birth. My birthday is 07/29/1985. Check it out.

After seeing that I went number crazy, later sequencing letters of the alphabet with their corresponding numbers, spelling words, and then adding them the same way I did the original equation. Using words from biblical history (especially), science, my own personal background, and my own personal theories/philosophies; I have come up with many, many, many coinciding numbers showing me proof that, yes!, the number system works.

I’ll present to you a couple in particular for any who are in doubt of God’s existence.

G- 7
O- 15
D- 4
7+15+4= 8 (GOD)

E- 5
X- 24
I- 9
S- 19
T- 20
5+24+9+19+20= 5 (EXIST)

8+5= 4

YES= 4 / NO= 2

Do any name pertaining to God, you’ll get 8: Holy, Jehova, Creator

Here’s more.

U- 21
N- 14
I- 9
V- 22
E- 5
R- 18
S- 19
E- 5

Add em up

GOD= 8

That’s asking if “God’s the creator of the universe?”

8+8+6= 16+6
16+6= 22
2+2= 4
4 (YES) According to numerology.


Earthquake! Olympics! Tibet!

Do you see? Do you see?

Me & Obama were both born in 1961, the last year to spin until 6009. In my case, that explains alot.

When we were chatting in the bardo zone Obama kept talking about needing the numbers. Now I see what he meant:


Obama won! :banana-dance:

You suck at numerology.

You’re just adding at arbitrary intervals for your own interests.

You aren’t using a measured system that uses any sort of ciphered arrangement of mathematics.

Taking numbers, for instance, 2009 and splitting them up and then re-applying them at random doesn’t really do anything…watch:
2009 = 1,000 + 1,000 + 9
500 + 500 + 500 + 500 + 9
250 + 250 + 250 + 250 + 250 + 250 + 250 + 250 + 9 (hey look! the 9 is the 9th number!)

Now let’s take every 2 and multiply it by the value of the occurrence of the next two, and then take that product and multiply it by the value of the occurrence of the next two after it.

22=4 | 43=12 | 124=48 | 485=240 | 2406=1440 | 14407=10080 | 10080*8=80640

Which then we multiply each 5 by it’s following 5 and then that product against the next following 5:
55=25 | 255=125 | 1255=625 | 6255=3125 | 31255=15625 | 156255=78125 | 78125*5=390625

80640 * 390625 = 31,500,000,000

In the above string of 2, 5, and 0’s, there are 8 0’s so we will cancel each 0 in 31,500,000,000 that has an equal in 2+5+0+2+5+0+2+5+0+2+5+0+2+5+0+2+5+0+2+5+0+2+5+0+9.

This leaves us with 315.


And what was left from multiplying all of the above numbers and cancelling all of the 0’s?

That’s right…9!

And it gets better…if we take the two 9’s and add them together we still arrive at 9!


9 is the holy number of the new millennium!

2009 is the apocalyptic proof of God!

You saw it here with your own eyes…right?

Yeah…me neither.
I wrote that completely on the fly of my pants at 2:49am after working nearly 12 hours learning an entirely new Video On Demand tracking system for our cable television platform.

Numbers mean nothing if generated from nothing and measured with no rule.

An interesting book on numerology is “the dimensions of paradise: the proportions and symbolic numbers of ancient cosmology” by John Michell. Michell says that the ancients regarded numbers as symbols of the universe. They found parallels between the inherent structure of number and all types of form and motion. Certain groups of numbers were brought together to create a numerical statndard that Michell calls the “canon of proportion.” They viewed the canon of proportion as the source of knowledge and a guide to righteous conduct. The same number system is found in wide spread ancient civilizations including China, Babylon and Egypt and of course the Pythagoreans of Asia Minor. Michell shows how various natural phenomena conform to the number canon in surprising ways.

Ok smart guy.

Interest concept of numbers, through my “sucking”, I realized that all the numbers in an equation would relate regardless of how you add, subract, or multiply. In reference to:

Did you notice that 9 occurs three times here: 2406=1440 | 14407=10080 | 10080*8=80640?
1+4+4+0=9 | 1+0+0+8+0= 9| 8+0+6+4+0= 9
So maybe if you did that with all the brackets in your equation:

4336999 is the result of your 2’s

7842157 is the result of your 5’5

Multiply both occurances with 315: your base sum of 80640 * 390625 | you’ll result with 1366154685 & 2470279455.

1+3+6+6+1+5+4+6+8+5= 9 O.o
2+4+7+0+2+7+9+4+5+5= 9 o.O

How strange. 9*9 is 81 | 1+8= 9. So DUDE, you solves A riddle of small truth behind 9 in 2009! You see:


2+2+2+2= 8, but the letter S= 19 | 9+1= 1 thus:

America’s first black president = 9! Wow. That not enough?


9+5+5= 1 | 1*9= 9!

So strange the numbers God created.

Here, maybe this will help you understand the reason to believe my theory of 815+2012, as well as my purpose & meaning behind it.[/b]

After I did that original equation with 815+2012=2827… … …=1, I used 815 & added that number to all the Sunday birthdays in the year 2012.

1/1 + 815= 826
1/8 + 815= 824

4/15 + 815= 930
4/22 + 815= 937

12/2+815= 937
12/9+815= 944

And so on: After I got results for those I added all the weeks in these months together:

826+824+930+937+944= 4451

I got large numbers like these for all 12 months. From there I had two options; continue adding, or divide. But divide by what? The same number I used to get them, 815. So as I divided, I resulted with decimals for each of the twelve months. This part is very complex and will may you at a loss, but using distinct numbers I solved it’s mystery. Here’s as goes:

4451/815= 5.4613496932515337423312883435583
3942/815= 4.836809815950920245398773006135

I took both approaches to this. 1) Round off the numbers and add the solid number. 2) Use the numerology method to reduce the apparent numbers.

As I rounded off the numbers they added to 3. When I added the larger numbers from before, they also equaled 3. So I added 3 to 3, resulting in 6.
The 2nd option may have left me hanging a bit in the end, but I managed to drop the decimal with two distinct numbers.

These two numbers were 815 and the number 5. The reason I chose 815 is apparent, but 5? I noticed a lot of things about 5 in Numerology. first off, 5 occurs in good words like:


Also, if you were to divide 8 with 2, you’ll get 4. The reason I’m saying this is because on the number scale, 1-9, 5 stands alone. For instance:


Another note about 5’s is this. Some very personal information of mine, as well as some new found information due to the write above that I am no longer afraid of revealing. I have 5 5’s in my life.

My Height, 5’ 9"= 5
Weight 140= 5
My age 23 which= 5
My birthday, 07/29/1985 all= 5
And my SSN… all add up to 5.

My name is Travis Allen Smith. It equals 4 in numerology. Thus when 8 was divided by 4, it opened my eyes. I believe there’s someone else out there with the other half of what it is I present to you. Thank you. Anyway, now that that’s out, I shall continue.

As I use numerogical order to defeat the decimals for all 12 months, I resulted another decimal number from them: 81.2. Since the original large numbers from earlier equal 3, I divided that by 3. Result… another decimal number. This number was ferocious though, it took me a while but I accurately got it. The number: 27.066666666666666666666666666667. I almost went blind counting the 6’s. lol. But after adding the 28 6’s in numerogical order, I resulted with one last decimal number. 27.4.

With 27.4 as my “final” answer I knew not which way to go, but up. Know this; using both 815, & 5 to drop this decimal result with the same numerogical answer. This is where I multiplied.

27.4 x 815= 22331 x 5= 11665

27.4 x 5= 137 x 815= 11655

1+1+6+5+5= 1

11655 x 8= 893240, 8+9+3+2+4+0= 8 itself. (God)

The number we began with. that’s the long way of doing this equation to find if there is truth in the original. 815+2012

Another way of doing this is this.

27.4 x 815= 22331
2+2+3+3+1= 2

27.4 x 5= 137
1+3+7= 2

Funny thing is, my screen name’s have been “The Numbers Between one & two” on myspace. As you can see, the original equation, 815+2012 ends with 1. Go the long way to find a meaning, it results with 2.

Silly me… I took the really long road to to that one.

If you immediately sequence 81.2 in numerogical order to get 9.2, it shaves a lot of work off your hands. Here’s as goes:

9.2 x 815= 7498
7+4+9+8= 1

9.2 x 5= 46
4+6= 1

Add God into the equation.

8 of course.

I stand by my first statement.