Ok smart guy.
Interest concept of numbers, through my “sucking”, I realized that all the numbers in an equation would relate regardless of how you add, subract, or multiply. In reference to:
Did you notice that 9 occurs three times here: 2406=1440 | 14407=10080 | 10080*8=80640?
1+4+4+0=9 | 1+0+0+8+0= 9| 8+0+6+4+0= 9
So maybe if you did that with all the brackets in your equation:
4336999 is the result of your 2’s
7842157 is the result of your 5’5
Multiply both occurances with 315: your base sum of 80640 * 390625 | you’ll result with 1366154685 & 2470279455.
1+3+6+6+1+5+4+6+8+5= 9 O.o
2+4+7+0+2+7+9+4+5+5= 9 o.O
How strange. 9*9 is 81 | 1+8= 9. So DUDE, you solves A riddle of small truth behind 9 in 2009! You see:
2+2+2+2= 8, but the letter S= 19 | 9+1= 1 thus:
America’s first black president = 9! Wow. That not enough?
9+5+5= 1 | 1*9= 9!
So strange the numbers God created.
Here, maybe this will help you understand the reason to believe my theory of 815+2012, as well as my purpose & meaning behind it.[/b]
After I did that original equation with 815+2012=2827… … …=1, I used 815 & added that number to all the Sunday birthdays in the year 2012.
1/1 + 815= 826
1/8 + 815= 824
4/15 + 815= 930
4/22 + 815= 937
12/2+815= 937
12/9+815= 944
And so on: After I got results for those I added all the weeks in these months together:
826+824+930+937+944= 4451
I got large numbers like these for all 12 months. From there I had two options; continue adding, or divide. But divide by what? The same number I used to get them, 815. So as I divided, I resulted with decimals for each of the twelve months. This part is very complex and will may you at a loss, but using distinct numbers I solved it’s mystery. Here’s as goes:
4451/815= 5.4613496932515337423312883435583
3942/815= 4.836809815950920245398773006135
I took both approaches to this. 1) Round off the numbers and add the solid number. 2) Use the numerology method to reduce the apparent numbers.
As I rounded off the numbers they added to 3. When I added the larger numbers from before, they also equaled 3. So I added 3 to 3, resulting in 6.
The 2nd option may have left me hanging a bit in the end, but I managed to drop the decimal with two distinct numbers.
These two numbers were 815 and the number 5. The reason I chose 815 is apparent, but 5? I noticed a lot of things about 5 in Numerology. first off, 5 occurs in good words like:
Also, if you were to divide 8 with 2, you’ll get 4. The reason I’m saying this is because on the number scale, 1-9, 5 stands alone. For instance:
Another note about 5’s is this. Some very personal information of mine, as well as some new found information due to the write above that I am no longer afraid of revealing. I have 5 5’s in my life.
My Height, 5’ 9"= 5
Weight 140= 5
My age 23 which= 5
My birthday, 07/29/1985 all= 5
And my SSN… all add up to 5.
My name is Travis Allen Smith. It equals 4 in numerology. Thus when 8 was divided by 4, it opened my eyes. I believe there’s someone else out there with the other half of what it is I present to you. Thank you. Anyway, now that that’s out, I shall continue.
As I use numerogical order to defeat the decimals for all 12 months, I resulted another decimal number from them: 81.2. Since the original large numbers from earlier equal 3, I divided that by 3. Result… another decimal number. This number was ferocious though, it took me a while but I accurately got it. The number: 27.066666666666666666666666666667. I almost went blind counting the 6’s. lol. But after adding the 28 6’s in numerogical order, I resulted with one last decimal number. 27.4.
With 27.4 as my “final” answer I knew not which way to go, but up. Know this; using both 815, & 5 to drop this decimal result with the same numerogical answer. This is where I multiplied.
27.4 x 815= 22331 x 5= 11665
27.4 x 5= 137 x 815= 11655
1+1+6+5+5= 1
11655 x 8= 893240, 8+9+3+2+4+0= 8 itself. (God)
The number we began with. that’s the long way of doing this equation to find if there is truth in the original. 815+2012
Another way of doing this is this.
27.4 x 815= 22331
2+2+3+3+1= 2
27.4 x 5= 137
1+3+7= 2
Funny thing is, my screen name’s have been “The Numbers Between one & two” on myspace. As you can see, the original equation, 815+2012 ends with 1. Go the long way to find a meaning, it results with 2.
Silly me… I took the really long road to to that one.
If you immediately sequence 81.2 in numerogical order to get 9.2, it shaves a lot of work off your hands. Here’s as goes:
9.2 x 815= 7498
7+4+9+8= 1
9.2 x 5= 46
4+6= 1
Add God into the equation.
8 of course.