obama's cease fire creates peace in gaza

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what?!? you mean the palestinian terrorists didn’t disarm for obama like they said they would?!?

israel needs to tell obama and the un to take a flying fuck and turn gaza into a parking lot.

iran to follow suit soon after.

I see dead liberals.


It’s interesting that you find this to be an indictment of Palestinians. People died on both sides, and while Palestine is reporting the deaths of civilians in Gaza, Israel’s loss has been military. And that’s what can be gathered from a report in the Jerusalem Post, not what many would consider an impartial source.

Why should Gaza be wiped out? And do you really think that the threat of death will dissuade those who regularly commit suicide bombings? It seems to me like death is a way of life for many of these people, and as their land is taken and their lives destroyed, they are left with nothing to live for, and much to die for. A foreign policy of continued violence seems shortsighted, and likely much less effective than the cease fire we’re already in the midst of fostering.

Dude, you are really hurt about your party not winning the election. I don’t know what to tell you, man. That’s politics. It’s a volatile market to be in. You can lose a lot. That’s why politicians are all so conservative. Because it’s such a dangerous business, you have to be boring and not take any chances or else you’ll get hurt.

Oh, teh hate…I can haz feels it…


hamas uses civilians and children as shields, by doing things like setting up missile systems in civilian neighborhoods and choosing active schools and hospitals as temporary bases of operations. they do this to try to deter israel from firing on these targets, but of course hamas itself is responsible for putting innocents in harms way. the leftist anti-israeli media in america play up “palestinian civilian casualities” all the time, without going into the details of how hamas itself uses innocents for its own ends.