The government is my shepherd: I need not work. It allows me to lie down on good jobs; it leadeth me beside still factories. It destroyeth my initiative. It leadeth me down the path of parasites for politics’ sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of laziness and deficit spending, I shall fear no evil, for the nanny state is with me. Its bailouts and vote-falsifiers, they comfort me. It prepareth an economic utopia for me by appropriating the earnings of my grandchildren. It filleth my head with bologna; my inefficiency runneth over. Surely the nanny state shall care for me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in a fool’s paradise forever.
You know what destroyeth MY initiative? The fact that my job sucks, combined with the fact that finding another one is near impossible thanks to an economic crises caused by underregulated financial markets.
Work is hardly its own virtue, despite what they want you to believe.
In a company, you have management. In a corporation, you have a board of directors. In a country, you have a government. Why? Because a top-down perspective is a good thing. So says the market, so says political history.
Imp, weren’t you listening when Obama said the ground has shifted? This is so pre-Change.
The blood of the new and everlasting covenant, shed for you and for all so that white oppressors’ sins may be forgiven? I don’t like where this ‘Obamassiah’ thing is going. . .