Well, I BARELY believe in objective reality. I think objective reality is subjective. For instance, there is no real way to confirm that we all see the exact same things. Yes, we can name the same things when asked “what is over there?” but are we really seeing the same things, or do we just have the same names for them? For instance, if my favorite color is purple, and your favorite color is red, how do we know whether my purple looks red to you, and your red looks purple to me?
This is the problem with objective reality. When you see something, all you are really “seeing” is light waves that reflect off something and then touch your retinas thereby leaving patterns which are interpreted by your brain. But who is to say that your brain’s interpretation is actually an accurate depiction of what is really there? Same thing goes for touch, hearing, and smell/taste. Each of these are only signals that bounce around in your brain. It is impossible to tell if they accurately represent any reality or not. As a matter of fact I would say they don’t any more then words do. In order for us to perceive the world accurately we would have to physically suck anything observed directly into our minds whole. The fact that we perceive most things as solid is proof that our idea of reality is warped. Nothing is solid, it is mostly empty. It is all waves, even matter is waves. The only thing that makes them feel solid to us is the weak nuclear force which repels certain wave groups when they collide with other wave groups. But it doesn’t even always do that. Some go straght through like x-rays. Point is though, when I see purple and you see red, we are not actually seeing purple or red, only our brain’s interpretation of purple or red.
Next thing I cite to prove the subjective nature of reality is the collapse of the wave function. If you follow quantum physics then you know exactly what I am talking about. During an experiment, there are probability functions which determine the probability of whether a light wave or quanta is going to do one thing or another. All the possibilities are still real up until the point not when the light wave has actually finished its course, but when an observer marks what has happened. It is a somewhat lengthy subject, but here is the wiki article on it: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger%27s_cat
Next I like to point out the fallibility of human interpretation of events. No objective reality can be complete since humans can only 75% accurately record an event. Any law student knows exactly what I am talking about here. Even if given pen and paper, and told they would be graded on it, humans still only accurately record 75% of observed events. A flaw in observation is certainly a HUGE flaw in objective reality since all objective reality is is a combination of subjective realities. However, in order for this to be truly objective, the outcome needs to be 100% accurate. If conscious beings cannot agree on an objective reality, then in truth there is no objective reality. Whether or not things are there when conscious beings aren’t present is beside the point. This has no effect on objective or subjective reality. Whether or not those things not under observation are existent during the absence, they certainly are not “real” without someone to postulate them as such. They only exist. Reality depends on the observer, objective or not. Without the observer there is nobody to determine what reality is. books.google.com/books?id=TyogQG … ssor+swift
Finally, I like to point out the reason why things do exist in our absence. The universe itself is conscious. We are all part of one living organism, and this organism is observant of itself. But without that supreme consciousness nothing could exist. Instead everything exists, as nonexistence is nonexistent. The reason the universe is expanding is because it is alive. It will contract one day as well. We are all part of the consciousness of the universe since we are conscious and we are part of the universe. But consciousness is required for any existence to occur, only consciousness is entirely pervasive so everything always exists.
The end.