Put my words together like true grammer students are supposed to do. My subject was, the things they do if it weren’t obsessive, that it would benefit others like taking out trash. But they do it way to much.
thanx for your reply.
Love of myself is within me: so when i love myself as all words and their opposites, I can see me as how all others see me, I can see me as what words others see me as.
Words are the eyes of our minds.
“‘Goodbye,’ said the fox. ‘And now here is my secret, a very simple secret:
It is only with the heart of Love that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.’” Sainte-Exubery, Antoine de in ‘The Little Prince’
Our brains work by words and their opposites, and so we can not stop ourselves from thinking any word or thought, nor from feeling any feeling.
And all words work by the word Love.
Love is the master word that loves all words.
"For wisdom’s sake, a word that all men love,
Or for Love’s sake, a word that loves all men,
Or for men’s sake, the authors of these women,
Or women’s sake, by whom we men are men,
Let us once lose our oaths to find ourselves,
Or else we lose ourselves to keep our oaths.
It is religion of Love to be thus forsworn,
For Love:Charity itself fulfills the Law of Love,
And who can sever Love from Love? "
Shakespeare, master psychologist!
So it is only when I love myself as all words that I can love wanted words and unwanted words and so integrate the unwanted words as part of myself.
The only problem with unwanted words is if i hate them and so in hate want them not. But we all know that if told to not think of any word, we have to think about it to not think about it and so remember it!smile So hating a word or a thought or a feeling i don’t want is selfdefeating and counterproductive.
Notice that we have NO problem with UNWANTED feelings and UNWANTED thoughts we LOVE! The solution is simple: in Love of them as unwanted, make use of them as wanted and loved.
So the only solution is to lvoe myself as all words, which Love means I can then bear, handle and manage any word or thought, wanted or unwanted.
All feelings are also words, and all words are mine: so there is no feeling that I am feeling that is not mine.
By the way, no offence taken since i lvoe myself as significant and as insignificant and so can see me as you see me, and see why you see me as insignificant! smile
“He who knows the why can bear any how.”
Friedrich Nietzsche
Plus, it takes one to know one!smile
We can only be offended by what words we hate ourselves as.
Now, here is some very good help for you with which you can help your psychology teacher:smile
“I am in you and you in me, mutual in divine Love.” - William Blake
“Whomever can suffer within himself the highest united with the lowest is healed, holy, whole.” – C. G. Jung
“We cannot change anything unless we [first love it and in Love]accept it.
Condemnation [in hate] does not liberate, it oppresses.” Carl Jung
“Whenever one is confronted with an inescapable, unavoidable situation, [an unwanted feeling or thought, for example,] whenever one has to face a fate that cannot be changed, e.g., an incurable disease, such as an inoperable cancer, just then is one given a last chance to actualize the highest value, to fulfill the deepest meaning, the meaning of suffering.
For what matters above all is the attitude of Love which we take toward suffering, the attitude of Love in which we take our suffering upon ourselves.” Viktor Frankl
“Through his power to survey his life, man can transcend the immediate events[or feelings or thoughts] which determine him. Whether he has tuberculosis or is a slave like the Roman philosopher Epictetus or a prisoner condemned to [unwanted] death, he can still in his freedom choose how he will relate to these facts. And how he relates to a merciless realistic fact like death can be more important for him than the fact of death itself.” Rollo May
“The decisive point is not what is thought but how it is thought.”
Erich Fromm
“Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you.†Aldous Huxley
“Meanings are not determined by situations, but we determine ourselves by the meanings we give to situations.” Alfred Adler
“A person’s opinion of himself and the environment can best be deduced from the meaning he finds in life and from the meaning he gives to his own life.” Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler.
“We insist life must have a meaning - but it can have no more meaning than we ourselves are able to give it.
Because individuals can do this only imperfectly, religions and philosophers have tried to supply a comforting answer to the question.
The answers all amount to the same thing: Love alone can give life meaning.
In other words: the more capable we are of Love, and of giving Love to ourselves, the more meaning there will be in our lives.”
Herman Hesse (1877-1962) Reflections
"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves [when we love everything that irritates us!]. Carl Jung.
“If you hate a person [or a thought or feeling or any word, you hate something in him [or in the word and thought and feeling] that is part of yourself.
What isn’t part of ourselves doesn’t disturb us.”
i.e. What we are that we love and don’t hate doesn’t disturb us when we see it in us and in others, and when others see it in us. Herman Hesse
all love and respect,
Hi Sarax,
Do you love yourself as weird, as messed up, as quirky, as asymetrical and as whatever?
I love and respect myself as those words and so can love and respect you as myself.
So worse than being those words is to hate yourslef as them!
If I were weird to you, wd you, can you love and respect me?
If you hate you as weird, why shd others love and respect you as weird?
Suppose I saw you as weird. Shd I hate you because you also hate you as weird?
Can I love you as weird if I hate me as weird?
hope that gets you thinking more about YOU!
love and respect,
I benefited from ocd: I got to love myself as an ocder[oh-cee-dee-er] so i can love other ocders as myself, and so help them to overcome it!
remember that even no benefit is a benefit! There is even something in nothing!
The only ocders who do not benefit from it or anything are those who hate it and everything else!
By the way, do you love and respect yourself and me as ignorant or as having no knowledge, and as an ocder?smile
I do!smile
love and r,
I have this theory:
If I can loose Hate for myself as any word by loving myself as all words,
then I can see myself the same way, I can see myself as all the very words any other person, friend or enemy, sees me as.
For example:
Any person who hates feeling evil and hates being evil will suffer from severe ocd and hate being an ocder and hates ocd, and will also feel evil and so must hate themselves and the evil thought just for thinking an evil thought.
Whereas if they wd love themselves as good and as evil,
then they wd see that the very first evil is to hate self as evil, since both evil and good are opposite and composite and therefore related and relative terms.
love and respect,
iloveyou- i think i understand you. but , people dont bennifit from o.c.d! if you overcome it, that could be a bennifit. but ocd is not a bennefit, and its not somthing you have to live with. im not exactly sure of what oc.d you guys are talking about im talking about the kind of o.cd. where you imagine yourself (against your will) to be a pedafile, and as a effort to stop thinking it you punch yourself in the face. and as a result you cant spend time with your family. or the kind of o.c.d. where you look down and see a sink full of your own blood because you cant get clean enough. THAT IS NOT A BENNEFIT. o.c.d is a ANXIETY DISSORDER! if you dont have anxiety anymore then you cured yourself, congratulations.
I think OCD and other things like ADD are related to identity crisis. We identify with our body, and also with/through identifying with mind.
If a person feels they must do something to protect themselves, to fend of fear, then one must ask what it is they are protecting. What is that is under threat.
Its my opinion that almost all of our psychological problems are a result of identifying with body and mind and taking on their relative values. It is the power of belief which cause those relative values to limit and bind us. Upon giving them governing power over us, we are then swept away in who knows how many cause and effect processes. Our sense of choice is diminished somewhat or a even almost completely. We are then left to ride it out. Ride out what the mind thinks it must do based on how it measures itself, or how it measures who it is.
An attention problem is related to focus, but if we identify with the computations and create a self out of it, we are then bound to be its measurements. Ego is creating a self out of the minds judging/, measuring functions. Our perception are then relative to our judgments. We begin to see what we want, and not see what we don’t want. But we never want or not want at all, just mind. So now our focus is our sense of selfs tool. It uses it to serve itself. So if smoking lethal cigs is what it wants, then it will focus on that, while eating balanced meals goes out the window, because that isn’t what it wants or is gratified by. So now one can’t focus on black and white needs, but is exausted in consuming desired experiences.
The problem is individual and collective identity. Both seem to keep us stuck in perspectives which result in illness’s and psychological suffering. It is who we think we are that causes most of these problems.
exactly. one will be whatever he views himself to be. so how do you change your view?..ego dissolution(meditation)…once you loose your ego (temporarly) you reconstruct an ego that is inline with your innerself. if you can do this your not only free of o.c.d. your free of everything, you will have expierienced self actualizaion.
That’s exactly what I believe happened to me. Within a three month period I came out of an almost life long depression. My focus and ability to think clearly dramatically boosted, and many old realizations returned to me that had shortly given me relief before. But this time, so much clarity relating to identity came to me. Over a day or two I was in a delightful daze. My identity became highly lucid, realized itself, and then dissolved, like you said. The next two months were the best time of my entire life. Since then my life has been so much more enjoyable. Past and future became nothing, and I fell completely in love with the moment, which consisted of everything, like myself, girlfriend, loved ones.
I also naturally took on a new ego identity which I would say is aligned with spirit (awareness/will), allowing mind to take its lead from there. Its obvious to me now that I have much growing to do, but I can now do it with happiness and resolve.
I always liked to write, so I wrote all of my thoughts down. And have written since then. I enjoy getting on the forums and saying my piece, though I feel very insecure about it at times. It doesn’t cripple my expression like before. I’m just slightly aware of my awkward approach. Many seem to repel from what I say, while some others gravitate to it quite strongly. Just as I do when I feel a kindred perspective. I live in my oneness now, and when I come across another who feels that instant oneness with me, it is as if we are eternal friends. Common ground, pre-first contact. With this type of individual, its like speaking another language. I call it a language of truth because the concepts and ideas we use are similar, due to the fact that they are under the grips of self awareness. I imagine this perspective is universal, because it is built on the oneness/love that is the foundation of any and everything. It is our core.
A man who lives from his truth of being is everyone’s friend. They see him as a friend, interpret his actions that way, but in his mind he acts without the seperation most people are isolated with. It is because he sees no barriers, and their expressions/needs/intentions are happily expressed through him. A man acting with this knowledge will never break. He will endure all for his intentions are not motivated by gratification. His resolve will be as inexaustable as love itself, and will only falter when the mind no longer produces or channels that perspective.
Hi Sarax… can you define what “go insane” means? Is there a fear there? Frustration maybe? If it’s a fear, is it a fear of death, or fear that your world is falling apart, or of criticism, or being controlled? Or none of the above?