Official Petition to Rename Forum

can we not all just agree on “mr reasonable’s house of reason” and move on

Narcotics Team

Teen Spirit

Laid Back Chat

Non-Philosophical Chat
Mundane Babble
Off Topic
Mundane Chat
mr reasonable’s house of reason
Informal Commiseration
Harem of Dreams
Council of Elders
Bread Breaking
Safe Space
Room Full of Snakes
Snake Full of Rooms
“No Crack Selling”
Shooting The Shit
Shooting The Breeze
Necrophobic Transmutation
Mundane Forum
Down Here on Earth
Speak Easy
a thread for mundane ironists and Other Stories
I Love Philosophy but I Love Other Stuff Too
Hail Satan
Up In The Clouds
Unload Your Mental Contraptions Here
…and Other Stories
Let’s Get Non-Existential With It…
The Chat Shack
The Philosopher’s Inn
Narcotics Team
Teen Spirit
Laid Back Chat

This is too long to poll (polls have a maximum of 10 options), so we’ll need to pare it down. We get pretty close by cutting the names that are clearly jokes or other random nonsense (sorry Mr. Reasonable’s House of Reason). It needs to be something that makes the purpose of the forum clear to new members and guests. Cutting what I see as silly, impenetrable, etc., I get:

Non-Philosophical Chat
Mundane Babble
Off Topic
Mundane Chat
Bread Breaking
Safe Space
Shooting The Shit
Shooting The Breeze
Mundane Forum
Speak Easy
The Chat Shack
The Philosopher’s Inn
Laid Back Chat

I’d cut a few others on more subjective grounds:

Non-Philosophical Chat
Mundane Babble
Off Topic
Mundane Chat
Bread Breaking ← Not clear enough
Safe Space ← Too charged
Shooting The Shit ← Swear words
Shooting The Breeze
Mundane Forum ← Doesn’t actually describe the forum
Speak Easy
The Chat Shack
The Philosopher’s Inn ← Too abstract
Laid Back Chat

So that leaves 8, almost all of which I hate (which has no real bearing on anything, I just feel like we can do better):

Non-Philosophical Chat
Mundane Babble
Off Topic
Mundane Chat
Shooting The Breeze
Speak Easy
The Chat Shack
Laid Back Chat

I hear you.

I don’t hate Laid Back Chat.

But no I hear you. For me it’s easier because Mundane Babble is both clear, nice, and has tradition to it. But I’ll keep working on coming up with something realistic.

Btw, simply between Mundane Babble and NPC, the ayes have it so far.

But, again, we will keep working on this.

carleas i am truly hurt

Confabulate Cafe

Trivial Pursuits

Harmless Hangout

Frivolous Fanfare

No Real Point Place

Hors d’oeuvre Sampling

Table Talk (in PK’s honor}

The Chat Hotline

I like this.

Simple fun and games. Me too.

You know, honestly, Off-Topic could be one.

I think it would be pretty clear that the topic it is off is philosophy.

Unfortunately, it’s a bore. Yes, a non-descript description. Off-Topic Drivel, there, pinache.

I’m trying to meet Carleas half way. Mundane Babble is too colorful for him, but Off-Topic is less dry than Non-Philosophical Chat.

You could dunk Non-Philosophical Chat in coffee and still not be able to swallow it.

Ah, it’s shorter but come on, it even has the same lame hyphen usage (guess I’m an anti-hyphenist. :evilfun: LOL)

Contemplating Other Things

The Lounge

(Although that’s almost all of ILP)

Other Contemplations

Truth and Lies in the Extra-Philosophical Sense

Extraphilosophical Talkings



lets be real its some kind of travesty that part of the site isnt named after me i think we can all agree on that