ok, let me get this straight.....

we have people around here pushing false conspiracy theories
about the election and that, according to them is true theories
and they have no facts or evidence to support their false claims…

yesterday we had the largest number of covid-19 cases in one day,
125,000 or so, but there is no such thing as covid-19,
according to the these same people, so no conspiracy…
and we have facts, data, evidence and yet according to them
covid-19 doesn’t exists…

so as far as I can tell, you can only have a conspiracy if there are absolutely
no facts to support you… but having facts, data, evidence means something
doesn’t exists like Covid-19…

I could never be a conspiracy theorist because I like my facts to make
sense and be logical…

or for a conspiracy theorist, as the REM film goes, “stop making sense”
and then the conspiracy theories work…

so you can have a conspiracy theory only if it doesn’t make sense…

I might be getting the hang of this…

conspiracy theory, no evidence, no facts, makes no sense, so it exists, yes…

covid-19, facts, evidence, over 230,000 dead, makes sense, so it doesn’t exists, no…

so up is down, right is wrong, left is right, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength,
night is day, black is white…

and we have the mantra of the conspiracy theorist…

it is opposed to facts, logic and evidence… I get it now…

if there is evidence, it can’t be true
and if there is no evidence, it must be true…


WEll, it depends on the conspiracy theory and also the specific advocate of that theory. I mean the republican womd bs to get us into Iraqwar two was a conspiracy theory until it was just a found conspiracy. The Senate committee on assassinations does not think Oswald acted alone. I mean, obviously there are conspiracies, the questions have to do with specific ones and then specific advocates. You know, spend some time with people who do put forward evidence and arguments for conspiracy theories
take the least logical, least informed advocates and reassure yourself that you can batch all conspiracy theories in one neat little package and throw it out. At least you can reassure yourself that you are being as logical and informed as the people you are dismissing…if not the actual theories.

And it was a Talking Heads film.

K: Talking head ummmm, show you what happens if you do something like
that off the top of one’s head…I should probably look that one up next time…
