On being accussed of spamming by moderators

Showing how my threads are not just mere spam as everybody here has been accusing me as of lately.

The thread entitled. “On masculinity and dealing with modern manipulative women” which is this thread right here deals primarily with male empowerment and how to deal well with modernized women in social interaction. I am also emphasizing it to be a thread discussing masculinity also.

The thread entitled. "Pornography, sex, and the female desire to be dominated. " is a thread discussing how women constantly seek submission to men and to be dominated by them.

The thread entitled. “The argument of women as innocent beings who can do no wrong.” is a thread criticizing the argument that women can’t be accused or blamed of anything especially in the context of the sexes and social interaction between them.

The thread entitled. “Criticizing politicized feminism.” is a thread devoted to deconstructing and criticizing the ideology feminism along with pointing out all if its most obvious contradictions.

A thread which advertises your other threads.

Gotta be a new low.

Here comes the annoying righteous indignation of phyllo yet again.

You do post a lot of threads.

I’m a conversationalist. I can’t help it. I like talking all the time, well at least over the internet.

Offline I’m a hermit recluse actually.

I am the same Tyrano on other forums at least, I get accused of shit posting all the time because I post too much, sometimes at least, although what I actually write is just a reply in all sincerity to a thread or a posted thread likewise, and genuinely not meant to annoy anyone. Spam is of course shit posting and something else: unsolicited posts that have no relevance to a topic or forum, that just add nothing at all other than repetitive or substance and relevance free nonsense, that may be merely a thin veneer that introduces an agenda such as trying to sell something to people; I haven’t seen any threads you have made that are spam per se. That said of course you may well have created a shed load of threads that were deleted by mods that I don’t know about, if this is not the case though then spamming you are not… In that case fuck the powlice. :wink:
