On Islam, from the NY Post

nypost.com/postopinion/opedc … _dabul.htm

  • We need to help them overcome their fear… we don’t and can’t through appeasement.

** I don’t think that’s enough, you have to read the Koran with the understanding that they believe it as god’s will, and command.

So there it is, a condemnation against arabs and muslims from an arab muslim. The religion needs to change, and the more muslims we can get on our side the better off the whole world will be.

Further on:

and this shows that we have an upward battle:

(from the former prime minister of malaysia)

And what reason do they have?

“they are oppressed”… Osama Bin Laden, one of the richest men in the world is oppressed? A religion with over 1 billion followers is oppresssed?

They are oppressed because we are not muslim.

“Israel oppresses them.” Israel is an island of freedom trapped within an isle of religious/political fascism. There are muslims, jews, christians and atheists within Israel… Even gays are allowed to live out there lives without fear of being killed by the government… what other government in the middle east can say that?

In Iran, they Ahminejad is having all the secular universites and professors shut down.

In Egypt, they regularly arrest and harrass christians and homosexuals.

In America, Khotemi(sp?) the ex-president of Iran, stated that it is the law of Islam to hang homosexuals at Harvard, and recieved silence as a response… yet these same “gay-activists” call christians fascists for not wanting to change the tradition of marriage…

I can understand the fear…* to not address the problems, but we must not give into fear.

As a famous liberal said;

“The only thing to fear, is fear itself.”

*Link to a journalist who was beheaded in Sudan for criticizing Islam and the prophet.

There was also a news article on some things the Pope said on Islam. Turned out to be a talk, more widely, about reason and religion. I have posted a link to the speech in my footer.

vatican.va/holy_father/bened … rg_en.html

That was a great speech, and has opened up what will be called “pope row” in the coming weeks.

I found this on a news blog:

  • They have now made several responses. The Mufti of Saudi Arabia, says dialogue is impossible, because of the popes “lies” about Islam and the prophet.

Somali cleric calls for the popes death:

or these muslims burning effigies of the post, and condeming the words in the blog above.

There actions show me that they are in need of having the flashlight of inquiry of truth shined upon them. It’s not going to be pretty. But it must be done, unfortunately the MSM, is filled with spineless appeasers like the BBC, and the NYT, who tell the pope he must apologize for his remarks.

So, Muslims, upset at the implication that they are evil and violent, respond by calling for the death of the Pope. Enough is enough, already. There’s no point in reasoning with these people, or treating them as reasonable anymore. They’re just an enemy to be dealt with until they’re no longer a threat.

And to think…we let them build a giant mosque in Rome to rival the Vatican. They can at least be civil while taking us over.

Hell you say!! Why didn’t anybody ask my opinion about this?

heh, if only.

either of you heard of Oriana Fallaci? She was highly critical of the italian government and Islam, and the muslims got the government to try her with crimes against Islam. She died a few days ago from Lung Cancer.

an excerpt from one of her books:

You’re being ironic here, right?

Not knowingly, phrygianslave.

Fundamentalism will not allow for change.

Death is the only cure for blatant stupidity, failure to see such, is the weakness expected of the human mind.

Islam will remain, as will its’ proponents.


Instead of childishly posting an emoticon, try being an adult and just putting it in text.

Or have you nothing of use to type?

before calling others childish read what’s been posted, instead of posting asinine remarks about the survival of a violent religion.


I choose us. Now move out of the way.

You have more at stake than I do though… reletavist pansies like yourself will be the first on the chopping block when the muslims take over. When they go to shut down the secular schools of thought in the west will you still stand by such asinine assertations mastriani?



The truth will set you free of your relativistic ways.

The alarm clock has been ringing for 15 years plus now…


"‘This war was a religious war, finally one sees that
clearly, a war between light and darkness, truth and
falsehood, christ and antichrist.z’

Deitrich Eckart Early friend of adolph hitler, coined the
term third reich, Hitler felt so indebted to eckart,
he ended Mein Kampf with a tribute to him.

“I believe my actions is in accordance with the will of the
almighty creator.”

adolph hitler, mein kampf, page 46

The path to hell is paved with feelings of “us vs them”.


Yes, if only Nazi’s had internet message boards to post on, then we’d all have something in common with them.

This may be irrelevant… But I was listen to another one of my Ravi Zacharias podcasts and someone was asking him a couple of questions about islam… he went into alot about it but one thing that stuck out in my mind was he said that he had 5 good friends who were scholars, who opened up the koran for studies, all of them have disappeared off the face of the earth.

If islam is going to proclaim itself as truth it should be opened up for scrutiny.

Hitler once remarked “if the jews did not exist, we would
have to invent them” November 10, 1933 in berlin

This is one of the most revealing
comments on Nazism. Nothing creates more unity than a
common enemy. The hatred of jews was the back bone of
hitler’s power. And the new hatred against muslims is a
new attempt at power by…


Yeah, neat. So one time Hitler said something that can be interpreted to be kinda sorta like something I’m saying. You know who cares? 12 year olds, and people with the mentality of 12-year-olds.
If it could be shown that Hitler believed the exact same thing as me about some point of ethics or philosophy or politics, you know what it would prove? It would prove that the sun even shines on a dog’s ass once in a while- the bastard was actually right about something.