On science vs. religion, on knowledge through either

On science vs. religion, on knowledge through either

As above, so below, no.

As below so above and all around me,
As inside, so about and to the reaches of imagination;
I am a product of myself,
Which reflects in all around me,
And then mirrors back inside for confirmation of my existence.
In sleep, then consciousness, then sleep, over and over
I create my own being of repetition and mirrors
Inside to out to inside, I bounce.
And thus I see indications of advancement,
Mirrored into my mind and our dreams,
And back again.
And we get nowhere.
Stuck in a repetitive existence with definite beginning and ending,
Like a basketball bouncing aimlessly,
Dreaming ever of the hoops it will never
Be capable of achieving.

As above, so below, no.
