On Society

Here are a few ideas I had about society. What do you think?

  1. Man’s main goal is to achieve happiness, which is defined by each man himself.

  2. All men do things out of self-interest. This does not follow that the act is selfish.

  3. Injustice is subjective, as the upper classes dominate politics and philosophy; their injustices are more known and therefore more protected. When injustices conflict, the upper-classes injustices take precedent.

  4. Injustice must exist in an industrial society. Sometimes some injustices are good in that it is a less injustice then would otherwise occur. E.g. its better that a rich man has less money then a poor man no education.

  5. Man is mainly irrational, mainly emotions control the mind.

  6. Man is far more rational when acting as an individual then as a group.

  7. The poor must be forced to work by taking away their money, the rich by giving them money.

:sunglasses: All subsidies lead to an over surplus of a good or service.

  1. As man acts out of emotions, in times of crisis a convenient escape goat will be found; Jews, Muslims, The West or anyone else who is different to you. Facts will not matter.

  2. Ideology doesn’t work. It’s impossible to impose a set of theories on a population. This includes both secular and religious.

  3. The main role of government is to stop one conflicting interest from becoming too powerful. E.g. workers’ unions, employers, the rich, the poor. No one should get the upper hand or influence more than the other.

  4. The rich will always get the upper hand as they will get a better education.

  5. All education should be free. This does not follow that it’s run by the state. Freedom and education are one and the same.

  6. A meritocracy is always harsh: the weak always suffer. In suffering they become weaker, and therefore - in the logic of a meritocracy - deserving of furthering suffering.

  7. Thinking that your country, race,relgion is “the best” is only a way to escape the fact that your life has been meaningless. In order to feel happy, out of meaningless people will associate with other great figures of their country, race etc… This should be guarded aganist.

I think you should take all these points of yours, expand on each one of them with long and drawn out explanations and citations, and whip it all together in a big book that will KILL the New York Times Bestsellers list. :slight_smile: