On The Degeneracy Of The Age

It’ll be another fifty years before women no longer believe the lie that men are worthy of them, men aren’t. I’m having trouble finding the pics that reveal all the ugliness of man and I don’t know where to look for the explicit photos not that I could stomach them either.

It’s not like men aren’t concerned about climate change or the proper application of new tech. It’s not like 42% of women didn’t support for Trump.

Women need to lead women first of all. Forget the men, they are a lost cause.

I don’t believe any stats produced from media sources or financed by media sources. Sorry.

Well I’m sorry to hear that. And I won’t try to convince you otherwise through argument.

And I’m sorry you were born a male.

Well I’m not.

Wow, for a second I about had a heart attack! No epic twist, my misinterpretation.

Forgetting an entire sex is just avoiding the problem. What it means to be a man comes from how men lead and interact with both sexes. I think many would like to be better men, but whether or not they succeed they can’t shrink from that - not like mgtow or whoever else.

How can you protect anything without being a warrior? And what do women create?

Wanting is not doing, doing creates work that most don’t want to do, but it’s a nice thought…that wanting.

One huge change of doing that women could incorporate into their lives, martial arts training that is taught by professional women (rare). I, myself, took Kenpo for close to a year, but was bullied by males while sparring (men love their pot shots), so it would have to be a school taught by women, initially to get the basics down pat.

There are loads of men and women out there doing good work every day, often together. You’ll have to ask yourself why you only see the women.

Working within a system that is defunct is to no one’s benefit. Hey, I wanna help women be all that they can be. You help the men be whatever suits the men. That’s all. We live in a paternal framework of corruption and I haven’t the patience to deal with emotionally challenged men…not now.<—that wasn’t meant as a personal comment towards you Fuse, sorry if you thought it was.

I know it wasn’t personal.

It is said that many psychopaths are attracted to politics and other risky leadership positions, and are good at using people to get to the top. These people would not have a conscience or guilt to worry about, though they might fear retribution by others, or competition.

There is a lot of morally criticizing literature on the subject of corruption, but I’m curious, are there any books written by such people in which they defend their actions? I haven’t come across any, but it would be interesting to see what they themselves have to say.

As for men and women, there’s plenty of blame to go around. Men are simpler, they just want sex, and maybe some compliments and flattery. Women, on the other hand, might demand A LOT more in exchange for it. Lol! I don’t know what ideas of honor or virtue they had back them, but I think many women have prostituted themselves into power back then, and used sex to get influence over powerful men. (Hey, wouldn’t be surprised if that happened to powerful men even today. :wink:

Pandabear wrote

#-o Is that so? Men have no desire to dominate and overcome everything…even their humanity?