If people could run 70 miles per hour, would we be required by law to wear helmets all the time?
Probably. And you’d have walk rage instead of road rage. You’d have some old guy only running 50 but refusing to get over to the side.
Ooh, this just reminded me of something else I wanted to know. Cheetahs can run 60 MPH or so. If they trip over a carcass or something, do they get concussions and broken ribs and everything?
Yeah, the downside is definately the whole “Sunday runner”. But on the upside, police chases would be pretty kick ass.
If humans had evolved to move that fast, we would have also evolved something to compensate for the possibility of fatality. The ones that didn’t would have died off without reproducing.
In other words, if we could do it, we could handle it…without artificial assistance.
Cheetahs are like children, supple and fit. When they fall they are completely relaxed so nothing happens to them. This is nature’s law - soft always overcomes hard.
is that really true liquid angel?
thats awesome
I have always had some farfeatched notion that physical properties in objects behave in the same sort of manner as of a similar property in man made processes and interactions. Do you think their any grounding for this?
Yes, it is true. Have you witnessed a child have a ski accident. They tumble down head over heals and at the end there is not a scratch. Same with a child on a bicycle. They usually escape with a few grazes bones in tact. The universal law is yield to overcome.
The softest thing in the universe overcomes the hardest thing in the universe.
That without substance can enter where there is no room.
Hence I know the value of non-action.
Teaching without words and work without doing are understood by very few.
- Tao Te Ching, Chapter 43
As for man made objects modelling themselves on nature - Science is modelled on the laws of nature. 1 +1 always equals 2.
Hmmm…I dunno about that. Sure, kids are resiliant, but not many reach adulthood without a few busted out teeth or broken bones along the way. Kids simply bounce back quickly.
True Phaedrus, we cannot escape our karma.
I was an astonishly clumsy child, yet I escaped childhood with only a single chipped bone (in my cheek- tripped and hit my face on an armchair…). I feel off of roofs, into open ditches at construction sites, crashed my bicycle, wrecked motorcycles, etc etc with very little permanent harm. Yet my sister fell off the first step of the porch and broke her arm. Humans are a curious mix of resiliancy and frailty.
If people could run 70 mps, certainly we’d need better shoes. Would they be speed rated, like tires? It would be cool if my New Balance sneakers were “Z Rated” while your $20 Wally World Specials would only be rated to 45.
Just curious, if humans could run 70mph, what is it they would be running from? Or maybe what would they be chasing after?
We’d obviously be carnivores, broccoli doesn’t run that fast…
I have a thought: if we could run that fast, we probably wouldn’t be able to think fast anymore…
If I gave you my girlfriends email address, could you talk to her about this?
Well, it’s the fundamental truth about sex isn’t it? I’m sure already knows this.