One bedroom per person

Same here.

I also find the statement Anomaly made about sterilization highly fanatical and logically incoherent.
So when robots take 80 percent of our jobs, and 80 percent of the population is on welfare, you will sterilize 80 percent of the population?
Or, anyone who dislikes society and doesn’t want to contribute to a corrupt system and work as a slave, has unfit genes in your opinion?
Sound like the typical Elysium type attitude of the rich and privileged deeming everyone else as “lower” and what they think is best on society.
Sounds about right.

Yes, it’s a psychological problem these people have, as they are trying to work out these ideas and contradictions in society and life, but the drive to be consistent pushes them into extremes. It’s a good thing that natural social pressures, genetic factors, and the history of rational thought all work to keep this kind of stupidity to a minimum number of people.

Basically these people don’t believe in morality, which means they are incapable of reason and authentic thinking/valuing. It puts them at odds with the rest of humanity as a mass as well as at odds with the upper levels of intelligence and genius that represent the best of humanity. Since they’re at odds with perhaps 95%+ of everyone else, these people naturally develop a hostile and oppositional personality, tend to see themselves as victims, and idealize anarchic and nihilistic points of view. It’s generally best to just ignore them, they are effectively trolls without realizing that’s what they are.

Limits on how much people can own, and what they can do with it.

I wouldn’t kill anyone.
I would either take people off welfare who’ve been on it for a long time, or if they wish to continue collecting it, they forfeit their procreative rights.

From my experience, it’s pretty easy to find a job, a lot of chronically unemployed people are either retarded, on drugs, lazy, or are looking for specific sorts of work, and won’t take anything they can get.
However, during hard economic times, a depression or recession, there are some people who really can’t find jobs.
I would cut back on immigration and the machines we use, to reduce unemployment.
If that didn’t work, and some people still couldn’t find jobs, they can collect welfare, but after a period of time, we must forcibly abort their children, either that or take them off welfare.
Fucked up people shouldn’t be having kids, and as for those who are willing and able to work, but can’t find jobs, society simply can’t afford to take care of their kids during an environmental and overpopulation crisis.

I wouldn’t implement a one child policy, perhaps a two or a three child policy.
Those who wish to have five or ten children, during an environmental and overpopulation crisis, I have a solution for them, they can leave, join another society where they can have unlimited children or go live in the wilderness, but you will be branded and refused entry back into ours.

I’m a member of the working class, so I’m not going to advocate the destruction of the working and middle classes.
Furthermore, you can’t kill the working and middle classes, even if you wanted too, there’s too many of us, you can reduce our numbers with soft kill, however, which is what they may be doing.
The rich are no better than us, perhaps a little more intelligent, but also more decadent.
Some rich people want to kill us all and replace us with machines, but that’s not good, even for them, because they’d atrophy, biologically and culturally.
Machines doing all the work, and allowing us either to be really hedonistic and materialistic, or really lazy, is a curse, not a blessing.
You can have too much of a good thing, everything in moderation, including technology.

Who are you to decide?

If a lion doesn’t have a job, do you cut off it’s balls? Who are you to decide the course of evolution?
According to you, hedonistic Sally sues and beer drinkers, you know the kind of people who get jobs for purely materialistic reasons, hipster beer me’s should be allowed to reproduce, giving birth to a bunch of low IQ, materialistic type hedonist babies, meanwhile, anti-social noble types and aristocrats should not be allowed to reproduce…

If a lion doesn’t thrive in winter climate, do we say that lions are unfit mutations?
If Joe bob can’t get a job in city x, do we claim he has inferior genes?
How can you determine something in such a narrow minded criterion? It’s feeble mindedness. It’s like people who obey the laws at all times, even when the laws are insane, it’s like running an operating system using one particular line of code, it’s like determining someone’s personality by 10 yes or no questions, its lunacy.

One could also say “class of achievement”, because in former days the working class was the underclass (lower class) and also called “prolelariat” (at least by communistic socialists), but this underclass has been changing and calling “precariat” since the 1990’s (at the latest!).

Maybe you are interested in my thread: “Will machines completely replace all human beings?”. =>

Far as robots goes, I’m all for the robot takeover of society, to a certain extent.

If humans maintain dominion over the robots, then good.

If robots start making humans their slaves, then bad.

We already decide who lives and dies today, millions of people who aren’t fit to make it on their own, are bailed out by government, banks and corporations are bailed out too.
I’m not inhuman, I have compassion, but there has to be limits, because one, we’re overpopulated, and two, the weak shouldn’t be artificially propped up by government, at least not to the extent they are in some countries.
The health and fitness of our species depends upon it.
I could just as if not more easily ask you, should we rescue every weak animal in the forest, and put them on the dole?
It’s about, balance, helping out people is fine, but there must be rational, limits.
That’s basically all I’m talking about here, not only is owning 10 mansions and 10 vehicles and taking 10 trips to Hawaii a year a luxury, but people are a luxury too.
There’s such a thing as excessive luxury, luxuries we can’t afford, luxuries that jeopardize necessities.
It’s up to both individuals, philosophers and government to set rational limits, to have the right ideals, and to be disciplined.
Too much liberty leads to destruction as surely as too much authority or the wrong sorts.

Oh sometimes I break laws, by the way, not much anymore.
There are descent laws and bad laws.

For me, moderate people are the aristocrats, not the rich.
Many or most of the rich are obscene, and have also been artificially propped up by a rigged political and financial system.

For Marx, the underclass wasn’t the working class or the proletariat, it was opium addicts, prostitutes and bums, the unworking poor.

You mean the lumpenproletariat. He used that word for the first time when he had his problems with Max Stirner.

Unfortunately, they are currently trying to destroy the whole middle class, so that there will be merely two classes in the relatively near future: (1) upper class and (2) lower class. The number of this lower class will increase more than ever before, and this may lead to the “argument” that “this number must be reduced urgently”.

Q.E.D. :evilfun:



Maybe I was being too harsh.
Perhaps 3 bedrooms per adult, and an additional bedroom per child, 3 vehicles per adult and 3 children per couple.
3 seems like a good number.

There’s a lot of things you don’t get.

In an economy of excess, some people don’t need jobs, because the wealth is sufficient. Thus the unemployment rate in America is over 10%. Thus, people can’t get jobs even if they wanted them, nor should they.

If America’s factories was suddenly populated with robots, the unemployment would naturally rise, and the rate of dole handling would naturally increase. This isn’t a bad thing, because it is the natural flow of nature and technological progress. I think you would prefer us living in the stone ages, in an age of economic scarcity and constant struggle to obtain resources.

Furthermore, job is not an indicator of genetic fitness, it is an indicator of social conformity. How well do you interact with people on interviews? How well do you fit in socially? Not genetically.

Look, America is not in “debt” either. America owns the world.
It pays third world countries a bowl of rice, in exchange for expensive luxuries and technological goods. Third world countries work for it and provide it wealth as it’s slaves. It has military bases in every corner of the earth. America is about global domination, and Trump cannot truly instate an isolationist policy without angering every politician that invested in this global domination scheme and removing every military base America has in every nation.
It’s own citizens work as wage slaves, ensuring other America citizens are in a constant supply of wealth. Even the homeless in America often find full, untouched meals in garbage bins. Some homeless have more money and better cars than I do.
There is no debt in america, because Money isn’t a real entity. America has a constant supply of endless wealth, created by it’s wage slaves and it’s literal slaves in foreign countries. The only “debt” America has is in the sense of karmic spiritual “debt”, in the sense of fucking foreign countries up economically.